I see USA is still a completely normal country.
I see USA is still a completely normal country.
Contracts don't make them immune to legal action. It just makes things more complicated
People really shouldn't still or have had a problem with this. It's 10 bucks and the price had been 60 for a decade and a half. It was never going to stay flat.
When you consider the hours consumed vs the price tag $70 is not that much money. I expect dragon’s dogma to give at least 40 hours (more than likely much more). That is still less than $2/hr. Compared to a movie ticket that is a damn steal. I feel less bothered by this, than I do all these streaming services…
2023 Larian are the gift that just keep on giving. The last time I remember a dev giving a post-release post-game epilogue from fan feedback was Mass Effect 3 and I recall it being a “Please, leave us alone” kind of gesture to get people to stop complaining - With Larian I get the impression they really are just sat…
How many Amouranth articles have you guys written at this point? Pretty sure the “Queen of Twitch” doesn’t need the extra exposure. Why not write some stuff about smaller streamers who could benefit instead?
$15 for an emote??? HHAHAHAHA - um no. I am constantly surprised by the price tag games put on these things. I shouldn’t be at this point but things like this - everything in Overwatch 2 or Diablo 4. Its out of hand.
Yeah... I hate GameStop, and was ready to come here and read another article about the company ripping people off while treating employees like shit. What I got was a journalist acting like one of the many Karens I deal with at work screaming that they can’t stack seven coupons on the same order. Are you kidding me?
well there’s no doubt Gamestop is a terrible company, and has been for quite some time. But that’s a completely separate issue from someone saying they are still a customer of theirs for some reason and writing an extremely longwinded article whining endlessly about how a business has perfectly sensible practices to…
This also means the maximum you can discount a single transaction online is $34. That’s one $15 coupon, one $10 coupon, one $5 coupon, and one $1 coupon. Lol. Lmao even.
Gen-Z gamers are about to learn why a monopoly, or even just one company buying up all the IPs is a bad thing.
“Maximizing shareholder value” is the biggest turd of corporate speak. As Boeing can attest, it means delivering short-term gains for stockholders (and bonuses for the exec team) at the expense of the company’s long-term health.
Who could have possibly seen this coming!? Expanding at an unprecedented rate has never gone poorly ever, especially when you don’t even have the funds in hand to do so. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!
“I don’t know how I got into this director’s cut thing,
Except that it was the AMPTP that called for the blackout. The WGA wants transparency, The AMPTP wants to manipulate the news cycle to divide WGA membership.
This just confirms the leak at the beginning of this that their plan was to negotiate in bad faith until regular people started losing their homes.
I live for the day when everyone finally wakes up to the fact that all our lives are made worse because of the unrestrained greed of a tiny group of people whose…
Musk is a good money man and a decent engineer..
It follows a lot of the same formula as the first game but I have found that they have expanded the interesting stuff in each given area. The actual classes along with dual classing adds some much needed variety to the base skillset that I felt the first game was lacking.
The nerfs impact every build because at the core, every character takes far more damage and deals less which resulted in some classes being far more affected than others. People are just playing the game but the patch has made things slower, the grind longer for no reason and if it weren't a concern. The dev team…