The reason you can’t think of a single instance is that, systematically, this does not occur to white people. Hell, it’s rare for ILLEGALLY armed white guys to get shot. You’re either being willfully obtuse, or you’re ignorant as all hell.
The reason you can’t think of a single instance is that, systematically, this does not occur to white people. Hell, it’s rare for ILLEGALLY armed white guys to get shot. You’re either being willfully obtuse, or you’re ignorant as all hell.
Nope. It’s a 24-pack. That’s an extra 12 chances to stop a riot!
Aaaaand here I am, taking Differential Equations for the 2nd time...
I’m sitting here trying to come up with something witty to say, but there is nothing. I’m slowly being broken down by these low information yokels that apparently comprise most of the voting pool in the US.
Hey, at least congress is still covered. That’s super awesome for them...
“Oh god, we don’t have a democrat in office to claim he’ll take our guns, and sales are dropping off! Ummm, we’re at war everyone! QUICK, BUY GUNS AND AMMO FOR THE WAR EFFORT!”
But it’s a fantastic time to work on your confidants and raise your intellect for that upcoming exam...
Hey now. I roam Fred Meyer, not Wal-Mart.
It must be quite thrilling for Gorsuch to know that he’ll have a huge fucking asterisk next to his name in American history.
Eh, I was publically spanked by my mom (yes, I deserved it) on many an occasion. Not quite the world, but it sure as hell broadcast to the local area.
2005 is the year he married Melania; that’s about the only significant thing I can think of.
Our Attorney General is only ‘slightly less awful’ than cancer...
His facial hair is unkempt and dirty looking. I award him no points.
It’s not worth it. They’ll defend 45 to the death...which will be soon, since their healthcare is going bye bye.
Yes, but one photo was taken at noon, and the other was half an hour later. That’s not a fair comparison!
I wanted to lash out at anyone and everything after I had a few discussions with friends who watched him read the “words not about me” box (teleprompter). They were convinced that it was a turning point in his presidency, and that everything would be better.
Sadly, his cult followers eat this right up. It isn’t fake news if it comes from Dear Leader 45.