Wielder of Smashy-Stick

You said the magic words!

You mentioned Beghazi, therefore:

Here in Oregon, you can take an online course for your CC. I’m glad that it’s given the same consideration as a quiz to decide what teletubby your personality matches.

I’d say there is legitimacy in the reasoning behind the surge in gun ownership; times are getting even more dicey for minorities, and, as demonstrated by the deafening silence of the White House on the recent shootings of the men from India, the Quebec mosque shooting, etc, it isn’t exactly being condemned by 45.

Well, being military, I can tell you that peacetime military is a helluva lot better than wartime.

The Comic Sans Killer has a nice ring to it...

What kills me are white military folk, who overwhelmingly voted Trump (to clarify, I voted Hillary). All he does is shit on military members and military families; a Gold star family obviously means your son/daughter didn’t try hard enough, because they died. You’re a POW? Real soldiers didn’t get caught. 45 knows

Pffft, that’s a fact. We’re onto alt facts now...

Great, now I can’t unsee it...

...right after he finishes his mint julep

That’s the key right there. Certain websites, “news” outlets and radio personalities have told him that it is everybody’s* fault but his own for his lack of fortune, and that everybody* but him, specifically, is getting a leg up in the world.

The impeachment hearing would, I assume, get a lot of press. Every single member of the senate who votes will have to explain, in detail, why they think what Trump has done so far is OK. They’ll have to permanently be on the record stating they’re ok with Russians meddling in our elections, billionaires buying slots

I’m pretty sure Family Guy was the inspiration behind the move to solely focus the antiterrorism task force on islamic terrorism...

I check my blood pressure after reading the Trumped up news.

My apologies. Had project demonstrations and tests, hence the delay in the reply.

Jeez, reading through your comment history is like reading through an atrocious self-help book that spends its entire time being condescending to the reader, with no substance to back it up.

I know, right? It’s almost like the whole, “white genocide” thing is lacking in manpower, funding, and reality; most likely the reality bit.

It’s fairly cathartic to insult him on twitter, although I’m super jealous of the Pennsylvania senator’s insult. Hard to beat “fascist, loofa-faced, shit-gibbon”

Gotta love how the argument of, “it’s crossing less water, so less chance to contaminate!” is still used to justify this.

It’s super fucking great to know that my mentally handicapped brother with anger issues retains the right to own a gun. Nothing can possibly go wrong with that.