
Marry me.

If I recall correctly, he did. As far as I can remember, all the main TCs (Panthro, Cheetara, Tygra) had the light-up feature as well as one other attack movement. Snarf was just an inanimate lump of plastic, and I don’t think the teen twins had their own figures in the original 80’s toy line.... but to be fair, I had

Or they could have gone old school and had a battery contact in his lower spine, like the original, so you got incandescent light right through the eyes! Today you could do it with low-cost, energy-efficient LEDs!

“As a parent and as a father, I would be ripped ballistic if somebody did that to my daughter,” O’Malley said.

It exists for one market alone; the market who provided box office revenue for Battleship, Ouija and four consecutive Transformers movies, providing coked-out middle-aged frat-boys in suits with figures they mistakenly saw as guideposts to executive decisions in American entertainment.

Basically, yep. He clearly means to ascend to a higher office, buoyed by this outspoken moral stance; which, I’m sure, will not be almost immediately derailed by a revelation that he has texted his dick to every man in Missouri.

I guess if you can’t win an argument with facts and reasoning, simply lie, cheat and declare war on your opponent. What an example to set for all the children.

Until I read... this, I had completely bagged even seeing this movie before it’s eventual debut on TNT; now, I’m reconsidering, only because of the sick entertainment I’d derive -not from the movie- but from the slap-fights and hysterical sobbing among the viewers.

This whole damn country needs a Time-Out.

Patrick, thank you for this; I just passed it on in my FB feed. I’ve been dealing with occasional panic attacks since 1999, and I didn’t even know what the hell was happening to me until 2004. I earnestly sympathize, and I hope you’re feeling better now.

Whatever happened to the whole, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” idea?

Captain America is awesome. The Falcon is awesome. Sam Wilson as Captain America is awesome.

When will the United States scrape off the barnacle that is, always has been, and ever shall be Texas?

I wish these two would just get a room. Then I wish someone would seal it air-tight from the outside and pump it full of diesel exhaust.

You are right, by the way; my local Wal-Mart stocks the guns n’ ammo right next to the kid’s toys and bikes.

True, but he’ll still be black, and racist morons will never, ever forgive him for that.

And then use that as “proof” that women can’t govern, yeah, I can see them doing that. They’ve being doing it to Obama for eight miserable years.

“I sent you three rowboats and a helicopter!”

A humiliating leap backwards?

Let’s be really real here; the GOP may run the occasional token female candidate, but they will never, EVER nominate a woman for President.