
He really seems like he JUST DOESN’T WANT TO BE THERE. His lack of interest in the campaign just shines through. I don’t get it.

What, exactly does he plan on fixing? It really does sound like a kids storybook title. I mean... does he really want to be president? Cos he doesn’t really seem like he does

Jeb Can Fix It!

It’s how sloths are. Their digestive systems are so slow that they only poop once a week, and they dance down to the bottom of their poop tree to do so.

Jimmy Carter, the most honest and charitable man to ever set foot on the planet, has four melanoma spots on his brain and the cancer spread to his liver, and this fucker gets to walk around free and act like the garbage human he his? Oh, I’m saving my weekly sloth poops for a couple of months for this guy.

One of my friends is pregnant and works for a huge internationally known company, and I was shocked to learn there’s no paid leave there. She’s cobbling something together using FMLA, short-term disability, and vacation time, but she is entitled to nothing. This is a giant wealthy company that you’ve heard of, that

Bill Cosby is looking more and more like walking cancer. Go figure.

I'm guessing none.

I wonder how many women are on Bill’s legal team.

these anti amazon articles would have a lot more weight if you couldnt find ‘kinja amazon deals of the day!!’ on the same page

Maternity leave policies around the world. Ahh, the good old US of A.

Amazon ain't the only one. After Last Week Tonight with John Oliver's piece on how many states do not offer leave to new parents, way more companies/states should be catching shit for this. "Grow a human for most of the year, then birth it and get your ass back here. Don't bond with the child, don't get well after the

I find rocks and trees to be pretty dependable.

Can someone just tell me ONE person/place/thing that I can truly trust? Because my cat is getting old and I’m not sure who I’m going to turn to after that.