What are the Vegas odds on Subway lasting another ten years?
What are the Vegas odds on Subway lasting another ten years?
Another reason is that these ostensibly sane individuals openly proclaim a vote from him to be worth at least two of yours or mine.
Funny; I went to Sunday school as a kid, and have no recollection of any mention of “economic collapse” as a biblical plague.
Not that I wish to be coarse, but it’s a shame tits ain’t brains.
They’re wrong, they clearly know it and they care about nothing except grinding the whole of the world beneath their heels, for fun and profit. Mostly fun; they hold most of the profit already.
It’s called “handing [him] enough rope.”
Well, as a glorified slum-lord, can he really help but marvel at proper wall craftsmanship?
What that says about 1) Republican primary voters, 2) Scott Walker, 3) the Wisconsin Democratic party is a question I’m still chewing on.
These two dickheads own and operate their own, paying business, while I punch a clock and wait for a paycheck!
It’s the ol’ Oedipal thing; it’s cliche’ because it’s true.
If you have a boy, please just do the best you can until his 18th birthday. Starting then, it’s all on him.
I honestly can’t decide which abhorrent part of all this is worse. At first, I didn’t think I’d make it past the “Sweet D/Tender V” nonsense; I had to grab and empty a can of Lysol onto my monitor. And I really wish I’d stopped reading there, because it only got uglier.
The buttocks are nature’s pocket.
You’re very kind, but I think “classic” is stretching a bit.
Or fight the war the Red states have openly declared on you. Run and they’ll never stop chasing you.
Moral consistency is for suckers, didn’t you know that? Of course you can win The Culture War if you’re fighting on both sides!
Those furious grannies behind her remind me of Anthony Zerbe in The Omega Man. They’re a lot like the albino neo-luddites subbing for vampires in that flick; lost, diseased malcontents driven by the need to Elmer’s Glue their half-formed anger to something... anything!
Not just bigoted, corrupt and stupid; she has to be petty, too.
Nothing on his DVR but Tosh.0.