
So... a guy can have a PhD and be a total idiot?

Of course the Duggars are in damage control mode; they don’t have to care what happens to Josh as long as it doesn’t affect the brand.

Oh, for fuck’s sake.


Lemmings gonna lem.

I don’t know, whenever I’ve had a handful of a woman I’ve enjoyed it thoroughly.

Lemme guess: gay marriage? Obama? The twin hoaxes of global warming and evolution? No mandatory Christian prayers in schools?

If he blows that dog whistle any harder, he’ll collapse a lung. Then we’d be halfway to rid of him; if somebody would be kind enough to punch the other one flat, we’d have one less idiot to clean up after.

Walker: Tasteless Rager.

it’s a war against even the handful of reasonable, moderate followers of Islam who don’t share the radical beliefs that these radical Islamic terrorists have.”

Nice spread.

Oh, please; every tub of butter contains Donald Trump’s face.

Yes, but could we please do it in a less... shitty way?

Something familiar about that cat...


Stage counter-protests; show up, surround them and start reading books at them. Any book, doesn’t matter, they hate them all.

Pot-ta-to, Po-fuck-them.

Is it idiot migration season already? If only they had the decency to die after spawning.


The quintessential mindset of Fox News and their viewership: “I’ve got mine, fuck the rest of you.”