
Hmm. She’s as capable a businesswoman as she was an actor. I honestly don’t know how people didn’t see this coming.

Sometimes, in order to defeat monsters, one must become a monster. In my opinion, it’s a brave sacrifice, made by someone who wishes their legacy to be a better, fairer world... even if they would be left unworthy to live in it.

I’ve held out so much hope for this young woman, but her career trajectory makes it clear what she must do:

If the small army of women emerging to tell the world the truth about Cosby was his Hiroshima, then this must be his Nagasaki.

“I’m going to try to force a vote on this,” Paul said. “I think the time is now to discuss whether taxpayer dollars should be going to such a gruesome procedure.”

You’re a fiend. I love that about you.

This is what you want

So... I can’t be the only one wondering if they hit it off, despite it all.

It is not justice, however. Only a jury and judge can deliver that to the victims and the public.

Maybe they could sue him? Say, a $20M class-action?

Men (and I’m using the word very loosely) such as Santorum are lost causes; even if he had someone in his life with the courage to criticize his antics, his ego is so gargantuan he would dismiss such criticism out of hand as petty jealousy of his “obvious superiority.”

And he’s too stupid to even make a good Borg; he’d always be trying to recharge by plugging into his own asshole.

Jim Kirk enjoyed sex far, far too much to ever classify as a Republican. He enjoyed it even more than most Democrats!

It’s to remind all us plebes that, even though their careers are over due to their childishness and inability to cultivate a tolerable workplace personality, they can still buy expensive shit we can’t thanks to residuals.

I seem to recall renting Katie’s Barn Door from the back of the video store one night in college.

I wasn’t giving you a hard time, and you’re right; he carries cache with stupid people. But you could also jingle your keys at these same people and they’d accuse you of witchcraft. They’re like walkers; left to their own devices they’d just follow the scent of warm meat.

Maybe he thinks that the body has ways to shut down sex with another gender. Until it doesn’t. Like, when it might hamper political aspirations.

She’s my TV dirty weekend.

Yeah, they never toured with Diana Ross, they went to fuckin’ law school. Where they teach you what laws are, and why we have to have them!

Depends; is it a recurring discount, or just a limited-time offer?