Oh yeah... that is the stuff!
Oh yeah... that is the stuff!
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Those who would ban history from school curricula are doomed to repeat it.
Sorry, I don’t know anybody in the UK at all. Wish I did, I’d love to travel there someday and not have to pay room rates.
Good point.
Okey dokey.
It could happen to any of us, at any time. One day, we will all be assless, freezing to death under the Sun-blotting shadow of Kim Kardashian’s Badonk-Zilla.
Taylor Swift does for feminism what JAWS did for swimming.
Couple things:
Who’s she foolin’?
Careful with that jib; it’s laser-etched tungsten! You might want to count your fingers.
Thank you; I just consider my approach the only sane response to an insane world. That, and I hold a severe disdain for men who desire power. In general, but specifically over women. I’ve come to the sad conclusion that the only way to deal with men like this one is The Chicago Way.
No, you should taze him until he quits twitching, crucify him naked over your central water feature (it’s a mall, I assume you have one) and “dare a motherfucker” to try to cut him down.
Most of the security guards I notice are middle to senior-aged, and weigh in at a minimum 300 pounds. Hell, most actual cops I see actually sweat from the weight of their own shirts. They hire whoever can finish the paperwork without going into cardiac arrest.
Damn you, Nostaliga, you’re a cruel mistress!