
The Avengers have more stable attendance than Whedon’s social media history.

I... I’m... I feel like a robot on the old Star Trek, and Spock was too busy to hit me with the logical paradox, so Chekov gave it a shot and kinda fucked it up...?


Let’s bring back crucifixion. That’ll show him.

What if we forcibly exposed and addicted politicians to drugs? Y’know, cuff them to a chair, shoot ‘em full of heroin, then turn ‘em loose and just watch what happens. I’m not at all sure how that relates to their job or their effect on society, I’m merely curious and don’t mind at all toying with their lives with the

No, it’s a solid idea; the results alone would clear up a lot of society’s problems in short order.

I would totally sing-song this to her at every meeting. Mean and petty, yeah, but enough with those fucking people already.

Loki dating The Scarlet Witch... that’s just not gonna end well for anybody, really.

May I suggest a more... pro-active method of dealing with that angst?

They always do.

With napalm.

Stripes are slimming?

It’s no bet that the Huckabee and Romney families each have the deliberate thrill-killing of at least one innocent human being carefully hidden in their pasts.

Are you inferring that the dog came onto him, and he killed it in a rage? Or that he had sex with the dog, then killed it to keep it from talking to the press and possibly hurting his Daddy’s political ambitions?

Not to mention poor fashion sense. And maybe some gender issues. And a gravitational field.

Pretty sure that specific bar of likability was forged by the fires of Mount Doom into the One Ring.

I strongly doubt that; too distracted by the twangy melody of plucked bootstraps.

Hey! He’s da guy in da seat, doin’ the stoopid fingah gestyahs! Nawt yoo, and nawt yoo, and nawt yoo!

Fair enough, cheap shot, sorry. We really shouldn’t stark -I mean snark- about this issue.