
And they’re just never bright or self-aware enough to understand that they’re the losers.

That’s so mean.

In my lengthy and bitter experience, “men” like Santorum respect absolutely no one. Not even themselves, if they could ever be honest for just one instant without their mind caving in.

Unless of course, they become engorged by the parts of other men. And then, it’s only the Goose who gets to indulge. The Gander can go without.

The Santorum Continuum sounds like the title for the absolute worst, most reprehensibly nauseating porn movie ever made.

They’re worms, wriggling helplessly on hooks.

Just between you and me, I’ve heard Carter was kinda reedy, but hung like a mule.

Fervently seconded. Can’t really imagine the appeal of knocking one out in a library, either. Few if any cushioned surfaces, and the risk of paper-cuts in very hard to treat places.

Fair enough; allow me to amend my previous remark: we shouldn’t arrest people for staying stupid things over here. Pretty fucking depressing start to my day.

Well, it’s that Swedish efficiency they’ve got goin’ on.


Is WW2 education that bad in some US states? Or can anyone explain?

The Hedgehog Abides.

Stunt casting negotiation for Hellboy 3: Amarok of Aspen.

Okay, that last tweet won me over.

Brooks’ words are the most skillful, risk-defying and passionate auto-fellatio I’ve seen outside of Sweden in the early 1970’s.

I want a mural of that exact scenario on any wall in my home. Or ceiling, I don’t care.

That’s okay, she’s got a lot of company.

Oh yes we can; they’ve been spewing the same bile all over these comment threads for days.

I’ve gotta stop ducking jury duty.