Only slightly?
Only slightly?
They use brain worms now. Effective, and tasty!
I’ll be in my bunk.
Has this actually been in a comic? I don’t know, superhero canon is impossible to keep track of. But if not, well, here’s Superman and Green Arrow kissing like they mean it. Or at least like Superman means it.
Ah yes. Who could ever forget Tie-Dyed Woodchuck Joker?
I think all his tattoos are manufactured by committee to appear edgy.
He is exactly half the reason I stopped watching The Walking Dead. I stopped watching his grotesque post-show infomercial about two weeks into its run, but just knowing he’s still out there, like some underfed Billy Mays, slowly killed my enjoyment of the show. The fact that it’s crap and I couldn’t keep kidding…
I’ve often wondered whether the comedy was intentional camp, or a by-product of shoddy production. In hindsight, it was be a slam-dunk to argue the former, but the latter still seems a distinct possibility.
I saw Sleepwalkers in the theater (don’t judge me), and over two decades later I still can’t figure out what the fuck was up with that movie.
I’d do her. But then, I’m a nerd for chicks with detachable torsos.
I just came here to say something similar. Every participant of this discussion, every celebrity or non-celebrity mentioned therein, and the author of the original post can expect a C&D from Mr. Hardwicke, who has labored hard (so fucking hard) for so long to obtain legal ownership of the aforementioned descriptor for…
It doesn’t help that I’m hearing all my dialogue in Sue Scott’s* voice.
Oh GOD, you’re not still seeing that boy?!?
No, sorry; I put it all in the ziti. You should’ve called before coming over, not like you ever call. Smartphone costs more than my mortgage, but doesn’t make calls, pissing your money away. No calls, no letters, no grandchildrenI’mgonnadieoldandaloneandnobodylovesmeeee...*sob*
I worry; so sue me! Do you think they’ll dress in layers? It might get brisk - I should’ve told them to dress in layers.
Good for them; guts and compassion, we’ll need both to forge a better future. Have a great prom, Anthony and Jacob!
Whereas Mark Millar is already overbooked with all of his movie pitches thinly disguised as comic books.
Leela/Oh, Lord./Leela
Little victories; in time, they add up.
Y’know, it’s a good thing the word “porridge” doesn’t come up much in my daily conversations. Because now I’ll never be able to hear it again without either snickering inappropriately or just cackling like a hyena in a dentist’s chair.