
I call foul! At least we men disguise our masturbatory activity via the "hole in the bottom of the popcorn bag" method!

"Murrka! Love it or leave it! Beat the shit outta anyone with the guts to criticize it!"

That could be fun... if it could be repeated.


On behalf of the generally well-meaning but -shall we say obtuse- members of my gender, I sincerely apologize.

And taint fleas!

Neat! Anybody willing to make me desert is automatically considered a friend!

Seriously, you should see this thing grip a pen; it's like a prehensile tail!

Frau Farbissina's OBGYN!

Hmmmm, that just sounds complicated.

Same here. The woman with whom I've shared nearly 10 years basically had to tackle me, and looking back with a little bit of good experience I can see a few truly forehead-slapping moments. I still facepalm when I recall the evening a young woman I went to college with made me tiramisu, from scratch.

I resent that! My boner happens to be much smarter than I am! It does my taxes, and negotiated my first car loan!

We're needy. Or wanty. Or both.

This is why fans of utter crap can't have nice things.

"Alright, you alien assholes! In the words of my generation... SHITTER'S FULLLLLLL!"


Never been to Nashville, but Gatlinburg is nice.