
The most astonishing element to this story is the discovery of a useful Wahlberg!

Is it wrong to actually wish ovarian cancer on a stupid and hateful man?

Do you really want the deciding blow in this particular conflict left to Randy Quaid? Before you answer, consider this:

I agree wholeheartedly with the first half of your post.

People who "float through life" without jobs are looked down on, and that's pretty much crap. If someone is happy making minimum wage doing something they like, who are we to judge them? If someone is happy doing enough part-time work or piecemeal stuff that they can support themselves, why is that bad?

I'd like to buy you a very strong drink, for the sakes of sympathy and empathy.


I want to work for SHIELD, too.

I love the subject of my work, but I have never, ever gotten a feeling of a job well done or of helping people.

Thanks for not just having a soul, but for using it.


Corporations of various sizes are also guzzling this particular kool-aid. I've been chastised in annual reviews for not "hanging out" enough with management. They took personal umbrage to the fact that I was too busy working myself sick (literally) for their benefit, which they never, ever noticed.

You should never feel like you have to apologize for wanting what you want out of life. For damn sure, nobody else is; most especially those who are getting what they want out of their life, because other people work their asses off to make it possible for them.

Good Job... bird... nuts?

And it makes those diaper-changing sessions a lot easier on the abs and glutes!

Gotta stay limber, that's important.
