Just for fun, somebody with editing skills should turn his irises greenish-white, and dub in that musical "transformation" sting from the old Hulk TV show.
I think I know which subway car has a lock on 2016's Best Mode of Transportation Oscar!
Sigh. Meant to write "other than 'that Obamacare.'"
I've known doctors -doctors- who chug scotch while driving to work, and relax before driving home with a few big-ass glasses of red wine!
I spoke with a woman a couple of days ago, who mentioned in passing how she was trying to secure some health insurance "that Obamacare." Her inflection in those two words were a lot like you'd expect someone to say "child rapist."
I say this because I had my son in Berkeley and people would approach me on the street when I was pregnant and ask me what kind of home birth I was having.
Oh, there are plenty of "rural" dimwits who fear medical science; although, in my most recent experience it's motivated more by racist spite, which is also so heart-breakingly stupid it makes me wish I could rent an apartment on Jupiter.
Remember, there are elected officials, tasked with crafting American laws, who believe global warming is a myth. That wasn't a cold draft you just felt; it was the shudder of realization that sane people are fucked from both ends in this country.
Well, thinking with their junk got them this far.
Chardonnay. Gallons, and gallons and gallons of Chardonnay.
Or they were deflated.
Oh, that's just silly.
That comment deserves its own constellation.
Done. Yowza.
Golly, thanks! I'll bring you back something cute from the gift shop.