
Life and soul, you are.

The Observatory's sources told them the stoning went on "until they thought she had died," but she surprised them by jumping up and running away. One ISIS militant is said to have made a move to shoot her, but an ISIS "judge" stopped him, saying, "Her sentence is done let her go and repent to her God."

I choose to settle my nerves and salve my rage by imagining the last sight this sorry prick will ever behold:

I can't really weigh in on that, never got to finish watching the movie. I would certainly agree that Murray and the good Doctor had more in common than he did with Depp.

*Sigh* So was Winona.

I read an interview with Bill Murray when I was a kid; they cover basically every movie up to Groundhog Day. They get to Where The Buffalo Roam, and Murray relates how he spent time living with Hunter Thompson to prep for the role; his last quote says it all:

It's only gonna get worse; when Depp and Heard crack up in a year's time, she'll emerge from total obscurity circa 2019 as a born-again, "ex-gay" Fox News parakeet rattling her clutched pearls over the "evils of 'Hollyweird'" while she drops hints at a run for office like anvils. You watch, she'll make Victoria

Wasn't it John Cusack who said fame is the worst thing that can happen to an actor?

No sign of Milton Berle's Cock. Dammit. In his stead, I submit this for your approval:

Mortality would -by default- have to be this guy's sole redeeming characteristic.

Ah, of course! That means she doesn't really count as a person, twice!

I'll bet the fuzz on his shriveled, useless gooey-bag is done up like Guy's beard.

Whadda yoo lookin' at, butt-head?

As I consider myself a benevolent despot-to-be, I will forgive the error and allow you to continue existing.

Liam Neeson is on Line 1 for you, he wants to talk about your pitch for Taken 4.

Say hello to your mother for me.

Bet it'd have more traction if they actually named it that.

Jesus Christ, why'd we even fight a war?