
The Hedgehog Abides.

At this point? Might as well chew up the plastic container and flatware and hope the shards do the trick.

This is a thing that is available for you to buy. With your money, that you got from going to work each day.


It seems she's decided to wage war on that devil weed mary jane, which is ironic, because no one needs pot more than Nancy Grace.

Congratulations to whichever of Congressman Ryan's three kids just got knocked up!

I understand that, and bear the poor woman no ill will. I can't begin to imagine how she'll ever accept, let alone cope, with the realization that her own child is probably a monster. How could anyone possibly heal after a truly horrific trauma such as this?

"No, it's not even conceivable. Not him. I would not call it murder if it's an accident. I don't know what happened. I am waiting to hear that it might have been natural causes," Law-Thomson said.

The Hedgehog abides.

It would be somewhat easier to just row him out there and hold his head under until the last bubble goes... bloop.

Chin up; I haven't met a lot of Indian folks in my travels, but the few I have met were uniformly pleasant and decent people. Clearly you are too; keep representin'.

They are also warm and snuggly.

That's too kind of you. Some people actually like dicks, that's why he's in so much trouble.

+10 Internets for each of you who called out the rank hypocrisy of this smug, thoroughly repellent idiot.

That dog is more qualified to legislate than Jindal could ever hope to be.

Nice effort, but you forgot to preface your remarks with Dear Penthouse Forum...

Or at least two hot chicks, amirite?

He came in like a wrecking ball!

Tell them the boogers are no longer free, that'll change.