
Ooh, in that case, my other obsession is The Good Place. Also very warm and soothing to watch!

Why hasn’t Jezebel done a story on Atwood’s Globe and Mail think piece, “Am I a Bad Feminist?”

I have a younger brother I love very much who has committed assault many times, at one point against his (now ex-) wife, in front of her child. My brother is such a hilarious, interesting, intelligent weirdo. His instagram account is my favorite. I’ve never met anyone like him.

Hon, that’s fine and I totally agree with it. I’m all for reducing recidivism. But I am NOT for championing these violent, soul-destroying, guilty men. We are always so goddamn worried about them. And we set them free to endlessly repeat their crimes. Even women beaters barely ever stop beating their spouses/ SO’s.

The justice system is all sorts of fucked up, which is an entirely different conversation which I am also terrified of having on Kinja. But in general, I have this probably poorly-articulated idea that you can care about people who have done bad things, and even address those bad things in limited ways. But it’s

I’m having a hard time articulating how I feel about this entire scenario. Amy didn’t assault Grace. She’s friends with the douche who did.

I missed learning words and clear ways of talking about a problem from someone who knows what’s up. Thanks for this, because that shit did not happen last night.

I think it was dumb of Keaton to post the tweet, and dumb of Dunham to comment about the rape accusation against her friend withouth anyone asking her to do so, but I really don’t see what’s wrong with saying sexual assault and pedophilia are wrong, and male entitlement is widespread, while also believing your friend

“If we know about him molesting his step-daughter and seducing & marrying his another, there is quite likely something else that he has successfully buried.”

Um...how much more do we actually need? Aren’t those enough? I don’t need Woody Allen to have hit Cosby victim levels to say enough. Those two were more than


A lot of this stems from the nature and history of the non-Black POC (NBPOC) immigration experience. Largely in America, Black is our race and our ethnicity. We generally see ourselves as a singular ethnic group because of our shared experiences and stolen history. Our voices are louder because we present a more

Idk why, but missing that call seems like the worst part. That feeling of “what if I would have answered?” is going to haunt her forever.

How to Get Away With Murder is an aspirational quote to Melania.

I’d seriously do it. And I doubt you are too old. It can give a fresh perspective and help you see your life now from a distance so when you go back you can make better decisions. Or you might realize being abroad suits you and you don’t want to go back. But either way it’s a chance to at least step away from the

Do you still have a passport?

In an interview with the Guardian, Manning outlines her three main platform positions: close all prisons and release inmates, make hospitals free, and open US borders completely. She’s not messing around.

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.

Just here for the comments:

I get that there can be one person who is bat-shit crazy and does horrible things like chain up women or children and abuse them.