
Yeah I can believe this. im not black. I’ve never been very educated about anything medical. I was encouraged to only use laughing gas during the birth of my first child. My ex was really against an epidural and I think the nurse happened to have similar beliefs. I almost passed out from the pain (of contractions) and

Just a small thing..

Wow her make up and hair holy shit!!!! Gorgeous

Everyone should have a Ho phase

He did that to kill her, he planned to kill her and took action. Should be attempted murder (non legal opinion)

When i tell this kind of story to almost any man they always wonder if I should have been more careful in some way 🤦🏼‍♀️

Megan and harry both don’t have straight hair, I don’t think their kids will have straight hair.

Maybe i didn’t understand the logistics of it. But if they get money for agreeing to tattle on illegal immigrants and there’s actually almost none in their area they’re getting money for doing something “in theory” which doesn’t likely result in them doing any work. Not moral but not the biggest threat numbers wise

Feel it’s their Duty plus with not many undocumented immigrants to deal with it’s a good deal for them

That doesn’t make sense to me, this is a very new program maybe not even in effect yet

See also: juggalos, pet snakes

Thank you for your response. No one wants to get raped. Maybe in the past when marriages were arranged and some white people had slaves, yes a woman would rather her husband have his way with a woman of colour if she didn’t like being intimate with her husband.

Thsts true! (Although obviously Gay people deserve this apology.) How about an apology regarding the bait and switch for voting reform or the Chinese millionaire ticketed dinner though?! Instead of refusing to answer those questions..

Yes they did. By Stephen Harper. Some schools and I assume other buildings have a certificate or plaque with the apology

Why on earth would any woman who’s not a pedophile or rapist herself be ok with this? What makes you think this? Any sources at all? Even western conservative people are not ok with this at all. I’m sad it happens here. I know more about it happening in North America than anywhere else. Im just as sad about it

Thats an Interesting point that you don’t even have a unique hair texture and white women always touch your hair 😓. I know I wouldn’t touch people or want to be touched (don’t even touch my clothes/handbag!) thsts disturbing and im sorry that white women have done this to you so many times. I thought I had it bad

Merci !!!😊

In the past people got committed to insane asylums and that’s now thought to be immoral I guess, but maybe there’s a grey area, like commit people for 1 month. (I really have no idea )

Well once one of them was out of the way Wu was not trapped in the seat anymore. The woman who helped is amazing but most people just want to be safe and have no idea how to deal When there’s someone acting crazy let alone violent

I mean as North American females we usually had sleepovers where we’d do our friends braids and play with straight and curling irons so to us it’s not only for lovers to touch hair. So a white Woman asking a black woman permission to touch hair could think she’s being friendly. And she may do the same to a white woman