
Riz, marshalla, sterling, Jordan yes

The reason that other lady created a word is because she got caught lying about her race and wanted to keep her job and or spin that disaster into that book deal she got.

This person is also transgender. That must have been a hard childhood (internally at least). If anyone gets leeway about their identity confusion it would be transgender people. That said why is she announcing this. Money from a talk show perhaps?

Most people are normal like that. So far we only know of 2 who talk about “transracial” it’s not like it’s most white people.

Just a little thing...Abortion is safer than birth for all American women, no? It’s an oft repeated fact (because I guess people assume the opposite.) It would only be less safe in places with great birthing care and perhaps only black market abortions.

Just watched Samantha Bee on this! So good!

What’s the grey area? Make comments about the weather or news or the food or the place/event you are at that very moment with the woman. If she talks to you ask her out. Don’t mention her body or touch her. You don’t need to compliment a woman’s looks when/before asking her out. It’s a black or white situation simply

My husband got groped by an old lady once. He was a kid though so even worse

I like what you said but just contemplated...it seems like it may be possible for men to become dirty because /if when they were young they were attractive they may miss the positive responses they used to get, not accept the lack of flirting or whatever has changed when their looks went, and get forceful, harass etc

Jackson is not really a hottie at this point (or ever? And he’s a religious figure?!). Plus he’s in the power position in the room. Do you really imagine any woman would holler back in the position the writer was in? Like even in the odd chance she was turned on by him?

I think it’s ok to ask if it comes up naturally after you’re friends? And you know they have a good relationship with their family maybe? (so the question won’t be hurtful)

Yes this happens to my husband At work (industrial construction sites with mainly all men)

Yes it’s fine, I don’t mind listening to tall tales. the story was very surprising to me as I’d never heard anything like that. It was curly black hair growing on a blonde or red head. So not the white hair scar tissue situation

Not familiar with the culture in Virginia but I do have relatives in nearby states. It seems really unlikely that any of their parents “taught” them this. There might be some white parents who teach violent racism (and tons that teach more passive kinds of racism) but a problem that is resulting in much more actual


A stylist told me that she had a client who’d been in a car accident and a spot that was injured grew back with a different colour and texture. Who knows maybe stylists make up BS to entertain clients

Im not Christian or really against abortion - but 25 weeks is fairly late for an abortion. she’s nearly 6 months pregnant and the fetus could be viable. An elective abortion at this point is very rare, no? Is she wanting it suddenly because of her deportation or did she not know or couldn’t afford one before being

I felt a bit trolled too

Maybe CPS paid jez to publish this ;)

And they never imagine what would have happened to their kid if the kids weren’t taken to foster care