
Wow yes you hit the nail on the head with your last sentence. That’s the tone of these pieces. Total entitlement and lack of responsibility also lack of shame.

Who is shitty exactly? She feels awful because she lost her kid for a while and fears it happening again, Not for someone being unprofessional or rude.

Yes where are the Stories about CPS being wrong? Or is the point that they make people feel awful even though they are not wrong? This woman has some anxiety.

It could be the editing but there’s always one line about ´drugs’ ´jail’ or whatever no details or regrets on that and the rest is the feeings about being victimized and powerless due to CPS. Which I would probably feel the same feelings of course, but I would also be explaining myself /how this all started for me. If

Dont they focus on who ever they are called on? And then have a specific number of check backs depending on the situation? I just assumed it was something like that

I’ve never encountered this personally but I think if I met a white or very westernized English speaking kid i would feel more comfortable guessing if he were well cared for or if his parents were neglectful/ abusive trash. With cultural barriers it would be harder to tell. Just because you don’t have the ability to

That would mean he said racist things all the time and it wasn’t a random one off (since he’d forgotten) either that or he was black out drunk I guess

Why not be clear what you think immigration should look like? How many per year, from where or does it matter, what services they get, and what happens when people come in illegally ? Also why are Irish people coming here illegally? (Especially as they have EU passport?!) I didn’t mind this article as it had info on

All she can do is say your husband had  an affair and I have proof. If the woman believes her husband it’s not the letter writers responsibility to do more. It doesn’t matter to me that the wife may not believe “a rando” she deserves the chance to look into it. If she’s not very smart then whatever.

Omg that’s real? Gross! What a pathetic begging loser!

Wow , she’s pretty great!

This, but also, im pretty sure some people just straight up want to rape. They want rape sex, they aren’t just raping because they can’t get consensual. Thus, rape porn is a thing.

Well actually she does sound pretty aloof in the letter, some people aren’t clingy / suspicious

This is interesting, i like how you expressed it.

No she’s is not, she was not aware he was married! Totally agree with the danger factor. That is the main reason I would hesitate if I discovered my boyfriend was married, safety. I can’t say it’s a perfect solution for the letter writer to tell or guarantee it is safe, just that if it is somehow safe to tell the

I appreciate the response! It’s interesting how common at least an interest in poly is becoming. But it seems a couple men have responded to me here saying their wives expressed they wouldn’t want to know about cheating/affairs. That’s not the same as poly relationships to my understanding.

That’s interesting! I would love to hear from women with this mindset I’m quite curious how common it is

Well I have no idea what she’s going through, as I haven’t been deceived by a years long married on and off boyfriend. I didn’t find her tone very needy or obsessed. Regardless of her motivations , I’m only speaking for the wife, id rather find out sooner from a stranger than later. I disagree with “leave everyone’s

Is that common, did your friends wives say the same thing to them?

Ok I understand your point and appreciate the conversation too, I have not been part of this situation (knock on wood) so admittedly I don’t have the hands on knowledge of the feelings of either woman.