
she’s pretty great on the show, her character is pretty great, and the show itself is pretty great. In other words, check it all out

I overall disagree on Rogen. He was pretty young when he started out in Apatow movies, and over the years I thought he seemed to be more and more interested in getting complex female characters on screen. It seems silly to discuss the feminist aspects of Neighbors 1 & 2, but I think I remember him talking about how he

Sounds inefficient to me. And very bad for the earth.

This is an odd scenario, I’m sure the wife was shocked

Well, gosh. He couldn’t have just injured his wife. He could’ve also injured someone like a cop that would have actually gotten him sent to prison for life. I am at the end of my rope with DV cases. If men did what they did to their intimate female partners to strangers, they would face serious penalties- no question,

Unless he thought all that extra money was coming out of his own account?

“Any or all of the white women featured on this cover might have refused to be on it unless women of color were featured as well.” Jezebel has to be Jezebel, but - really? Who does this standard of morality apply to? Anyone but white people?

Write the book! It’s fascinating.

Please share more!

she’s the royal family’s equivalent of an asshole Trump supporter who really only cares about their own bank account, so fuck the others

She’s not giving up a career. This is the greatest role of her life. you think Meagan wanted to be a serious actress? I’m pretty sure she mosltly just wanted to be famous. Boom, she’s now more famous than she ever thought she could be. She’s a smart cookie cashing in on a luxurious life pre paid.

Right- so because I keep losing my burner acct password (bulllllshit!), I’ll prob stay in the grays for this comment BUT.....

I did not say ‘back to the colonies.’ I said ‘you should remember the colonies. Back in the days of the colonies, there were rules that were very good.’

No. Bad.

Oh I knew recreational wasn’t legal there. I just thought it was decriminalized the way it is here in NY. Thought I’d be facing a citation, rather than an arrest and multiple misdemeanor charges. Should have made sure.

I think that the concept that intuition was “woman’s” derives from teh necessity women have had to develop theirs for self=preservation, combined with the lack of credence given by the patriarchy to any other form of knowledge by women

Guy here. Totally believe you and am not wondering what you might have done to be more careful, outside of maybe wearing a burka - which has its own risks these days.

Even if you were parading around with fireworks you wouldn’t deserve to get that creepy ass shit. Sorry that happened to you.

Sometimes we want someone so badly, we overlook all the warning signs and red flags that should send us running in the opposite direction.