I totally agree and have said the exact same thing about them! I feel like I just put on sausage casing. For me, at least, they completely erase my waist line and a lot of my clothes don't even fit.
I totally agree and have said the exact same thing about them! I feel like I just put on sausage casing. For me, at least, they completely erase my waist line and a lot of my clothes don't even fit.
It's unimportant to you. That's not the same as unimportant to this family who's daughter is being kept as a zombie in a hospital against their will. I don't think you need to think funerals and cemeteries are valuable to get why that is horrifying as well as amplifying and prolonging their grief.
That's because you don't have to buy it. I do.
That's why i think meeting for coffee on a first "internet date" is a good idea. Work up to the dinner date.
Fair enough. I should not have made it specific to men, plenty of guys I know have met mostly nightmare women online as well.
This site has actually been around for ages. I remember applying to it like 8 years ago when I was in my early 20's and much much more susceptible to gratuitous vanity stroking. I was rejected but looked at it as a necessary blow to my ego.
I think they have always been very thin. You can't tell as much in the catalog, but I remember if you ever paged through the clothing section and saw them in jeans, it was jarring.
Haha, that's really funny. I hate online dating, though admit it can be useful when you're rebounding and cutting your teeth to "actually" get back out there. I always use the analogy that if you think about going 'out' out to meet people as hunting in the wild, then online dating is like hunting in the zoo. Sure, it…
I know almost nothing about dogs and actually nothing about corgis - but are they generally barkers? This is the thing I can't get past. Like, I know a lot of people mentioned the weight of the dogs being a pain after a while, but what about the awful symphony of barking dogs completely taking over your ceremony?
Well someone needs to dress all your old high school compatriots who still hang out together at the coolest bar in your hometown. THEY DESERVE FASHION TOO!!
This does not surprise me at all. Sweden was the last country to ditch their eugenics and forced sterilization program (in 1975) decades after a horrified global reaction to its most infamous proponent convinced everyone else. Sweden is a lot of (good) things, but a bastion of racial tolerance it is not.
That's a lot to ask.
Seth Rogan was on Bill Maher a couple of weeks ago and Cosby came up. Bill was curious if Seth had grown up a fan and if, as a comedian, this had any effect on him (i.e. if he had admired him, was an inspiration).
I just watched it again, but I could only get halfway through before I ripped my headphones out.
Honestly, why don't they just use a radio or a Victrola for entertainment?
What, you mean like steak and lobster?
It's been my personal experience that unions operate like every other organization - who's on top matters.
I think it's both the conditioning to be passive AND the rejection of voicing concern/opinion/criticism when it doesn't come from from a source who happens to be a white male. So what happens is you have to break the norm to speak up, which is difficult, and then when you do it is not received the same way.
Yeah, I definitely buy it's more her celebrity than Taylor Swift specific, that was probably just the "last one" who is top of mind.
I'm going to be in the horrible minority and go to bat for the Kennedys on this one (and full disclosure: I do not like TS one bit).