Have you ever lost a loved one? Could you even imagine the amount of torture it would be to have your loved one be dead, but kept in suspended animation for a long period of time against your will? Her family wants to mourn. They want closure. They want to move on. But they can't. For as long as her body…
Sex hole?
More things from that list: video game systems (which, yes, are a luxury but poor people like to buy their kids nice things every once in a while, too); washer-&-dryers; and flat screen TVs (good luck finding a rabbit ear these days).
That one absolutely slayed me. "What? You have an electric fan, and you call yourself 'poor'? TAKER!!11!!"
Well, what can you expect from a total Gimmick Chick? I never understood why anybody would find her fascinating. Tired Black Girl Appropriating White Girl Appropriating Japanese Harajuku Style? Check. Tired Black Girl Jacking Beyoncé Style? Check. Trite junior high school level rhymes? Check. If she's going for that…
look i think we all know birth control is WITCHCRAFT, not science
Oh relax, they aren't suing the baby. They're suing the sperm bank for screwing up.