
Michael Madigan running our state for decades is largely the problem and not even close to a consolation. Until the party runs a candidate willing to stand up to the state bosses...oh wait, that won't happen because Madigan runs the IL Democratic party as well.

To be fair, time moves a lot faster when you have small children. Especially since they've probably hidden the remote somewhere.

I think you're right, but that just means she's closer and looks relatively bigger than she would along side them

I understand what you mean, but those women you hear complaining are not wishing that more men on the street would shout at them, but rather that they might meet someone in setting where they are open to it (i.e. bar, party, singles intramural league, whatever).

Remember the time like a year ago that Taylor Swift reacted to a pretty harmless joke from Tina Fey and Amy Poehler by telling Vanity Fair, "there's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women" and turned it into a whole deal everyone would have otherwise forgotten?

Women's golf equipment (all of it, clubs, bags, gloves, etc) that does not come in hyper-feminized colors. What if I don't like baby blue or hot pink? Why is that impossible to comprehend?

She's not in India, she's in the United States.

I think she deserves to be treated like the borderline slaver that she is - so worse than drug offenders?

@Schwps - Cn w stll dmvwl rslvs?

"You friend of color best friend huh?"

It wasn't that, just your cattiness. Schweeps was responding to a comment about how white people always say they can't read things written by people of color. Her comment was that someone she knew of color made the same comment unprovoked, negating that point.

Schweeps! How could you!

For the record, I am Schweeps best friend, I was the maid of honor at her wedding. My grandparents are from Mexico and I did indeed find this article difficult to read. You can take issue with her point, but she's not making me up to create credibility.