
Uh, yeah, they’ve been openly saying she was there the whole season. She even got a reward for it! This is some Sam Barsanti levels of not paying attention, and I don’t say that lightly.

Good episode and one which brought back a lot of memories of working in media during that first year of the pandemic.

eh, i think S2 of Yellowjackets stands up pretty well against Twin Peaks S2

Some CW shows are fun. Maybe you're just tedious.

it’s not a bad show. 

Kendall sends it to him, you can see the text on his phone.

I get your point in general, but “Kendall trying to come up with an idea so crazy that it blows up the deal” isn’t really the premise here. He thinks he sees a way to goose the stock price so high that Mattson can’t buy Waystar anymore. The way he's doing it is plenty nutty, but he seems to genuinely believe he's got

I need to get this right, Mattson texted a take on “Arbeit mach frei” but replaced with Diedrich the goofy dog costume from Season One? That some very impressive call back.

I feel like Burger isn’t in on the snooping, but I could be wrong.

Could Camilla Nygaard be behind Brooks McCutchan’s murder? I’m working off of Paul’s intel from Ozzie about the hophead “wife”. I’m guessing her “husband” is Phippsy (note the pointed remark he made about his wife to Della in this episode, and also Nygaard probing Della for her thoughts on Phippsy’s loyalty). Her

Because then he’d be caught in a lie when ballistics confirmed that it indeed was the murder weapon. As of now he could still worm his way out of trouble by some obscure legal precedent.

Why wouldn’t Perry have assumed that it was Holcomb who found the gun and told the prosecutors? After all, he found him unexpectedly in his office and Holcomb even commented on his security...

just throwing this out there, but could the the locksmith have anything to do with them finding out about the gun in the safe? they showed perry installing a lock in his own apartment, so why hire a guy to do the exact same at the office?the only other person i would suspect, aside from strickland, is the secretary.


“Della Street” has always reminded me of de la rue.

Feels very possible! I think that’s what’s being held over Hamilton too, hence his sudden change.

Della: Nice work; she’s tasty.

Just wanted to say, reading recaps across AV Club and the general drop in quality (no fault to the writers I imagine they are under intense pressure) yours feel closest to the golden AV Club days and I appreciate it.

I got caught up on this show after starting it last week on some fellow av clubbers’ recommendations. I love it. This season has been even better than the first. I really don’t know how they’re going to get around the gun thing, unless it’ll turn out they had one of the other guns paul kept in the safe for reasons.

One thought on how quickly Milligan knew, or claimed to know, the gun in the safe was the murder weapon: Maybe it was just a shot in the dark — to which Perry responded by looking guilty and saying Della had some case law. Not once did Perry try to defend himself by explaining: “Hey, that’s MY gun! What makes you

This show is so good and the season has flown by. Really wish we had more than 8 episodes.