
Terrific episode, so many great moments, I do not understand the low score here and on IMDB, maybe some people hated the memories from the pandemic.

Or maybe you never really liked the show, but you are embarrassed to admit it to yourself? Hate the silly argument: “I felt this was a different show”, no, it was not, it was the same as always. The World has accepted much more ridiculous things than Kendall presentation, just a few years ago, for example.. 

Just before the “tasty” comment, Perry make a joke about them having the gun in their safe, Ginny heard the the last part, it is not that weird that he would think that she would have her the gun part as well, giving his inferiority complex.

I disagree about the grade, this was another A or A- episode. And I think that Mulligan just took a risk at the beginning, and then Perry showed his guild in the chambers of the judge, so then it was obvious that it is, indeed, he murder’s weapon, nothing rushed about it.

Disagree about Paul’s scenes, especially the comparison with Perry’s scene slugging the guy at his kid’s school. Clara is a great character and her dynamic with Paul is very cool and realistic. Paul’s acting as a superior to her family is also realistic for him, he has a huge ego and laso think very highly of himself,

This is nitpicking, they showed that he was lying several times, he was left with no choice. 

Great theory, it makes a lot of sense to me.

Season 2 is much better, the storytelling is way more compelling. Acting, production value and directing are top notch quality in both seasons.

Totally disagree, looks like you are scare of sex. Sex and nudity are organic part of people’s life and they were beautifully portrayed as such.

It was not slow at all and many of your questions makes you look like someone who is not watching carefully the show. It was a masterpiece of an episode. I am really happy they gave the gays а happy ending, it was about time!

You are mostly nip-picking, most of those thing have a explanations, but this point - Why are the rebels all in different groups, doing swap meets? What kind of Walking Dead nonsense is that? - are you for real? This is the most realistic thing that could have done. Humans NEVER agree on anything, we are never united

Actually, it is very realistic how they portray Covid since most people do no wear masks consistently or properly, also the restrictions and the Covid rules do not make sense in real life at all...

I disagree with your complains about the season not being cohesive, it connected everything perfectly and most of us love the characters as a whole, this is why we want more screen time for many of them.

Josto did NOT order the killing of his father, you have to not follow the show at to assume that. In the eyes of the Faddas, no one killed the father. 

Your fears have no base at all and they are not true, watch the movie and see for yourself, Matt Bomer is amazing in this role and I doubt that he was not equally good on Broadway, very good and different role for him.

The hate for Jim Parsons in the comments is disgusting and a product of envy (he is one of the most popular, rich and awarded actors ever which it seems makes people green of envy), he is amazing in this, an incredible lead and it has nothing to do with Sheldon (what version of TBBT have you watched?). I also love

Totally agree with the Mad Men vibes, I just adore this show. It is pure perfection. I love Rose Byrne effortless performance, she is spectacular. And Adam Brody brought an incredible tenderness to Mark.

Season 3 was stellar and criminally ignored, but what they have achieved here is beyond me, season 4 is one of the best dramas series ever created, on the level of the best episodes of Breaking Bad and Mad Men.

It is realistic, it is not a cliche at all. 

This is the worst possible description for Mad Men, the show is an absolute masterpiece, deal with it.