
1. If you’re not racist and you believe all lives matter, then why would it upset you to hear people say “black lives matter”? Are black lives not included in all lives? There’s no invisible “only” in front of the phrase. If anything, people are saying “black lives matter, *too.*”

Lmao! I stopped reading there.

Okay. Sugar alcohols put me in the hospital. You are right that they are fewer (or no) calories, though, so if that’s important to you and you like it, good!

I can’t get past the texture, either. It’s just...not right.

I once had two sugar-free Ricolas over the course of a day, and spent the next 48 hours with the worst cramps and diarrhea. No sugar-free candies, ever. I also was never able to eat those Wow! chips with Olestra, the undigestible fat. My body has no tolerance for it at all. And I normally have a pretty iron stomach.

Sugar alcohols are the worst for my stomach. Once I figured this out, my life drastically improved. “Sugar free” does not work for me.

Yeah, orthorexics are the only people I see claiming to ‘enjoy’ Halo Top.

Halo Top is fucking garbage. It’s got an awful, chalky texture, and it’s full of sugar alcohols, which DESTROY my gut. I’d rather have a bite of real ice cream or nothing at all.

It’s gross. I bought it, tried it, then let it sit in my freezer for a couple months while occasionally buying and actually eating some Ben & Jerry’s. I went back to the carton in desperation (I’d run out of Ben & Jerry’s) only to find that it had solidified into an impenetrable brick. It went in the trash.

This is exactly what I always think about. Does she have a folder in her inbox with 725,000 read receipts?

I always say no when an email asks me for a read receipt. Eat my shorts, sender.


If someone was spreading the image but it said “Women are Trash” everyone would be FREAKING out about it.

Except facebook isn’t prohibiting misogynistic speech. But the one woman who says something about men is immediately banned.

I’d rather use a Facebook where people don’t pollute the public space by writing idiotic sentences like “Women are worthless” or “Men are trash.”

Yeah, no. Facebook lets white nationalists cry about black trash and what have you with no repercussions.

Sorry, this sounds an awful lot like you think this is just desserts for expecting Facebook to prohibit misogynistic hate speech. That’s not what you’re saying, is it? 

Or you could raise them to, on encountering someone who says this, question why they feel that way. And then take action to make sure they and others don’t do things to make this disenfranchised person feel like Men Are Trash.

Of course this happens while profiles full of photos of graphic sex acts are free to spam request us all without any response after being reported. They need to establish some clear fucking guidelines and enforce them uniformly. They suck at this so hard; they’ve always sucked at this.