
This awful decision plus not going through with the adoption- it’s almost as if this person sees people and pets as game pieces to add value to her content-creation. Sure, she killed a healthy dog, but look at the clicks and articles it got her! 

Bullshit on the “can’t be rehomed” nonsense. There are rescues that specialize in training and rehoming “difficult” dogs. Dogs that were trained to fight to the death have been successfully deprogrammed and transformed into loving pets.

These people should never be allowed to own another animal. If they didn’t have a child I’d advocate for physical punishment. Fuck them and every single person who hurts an innocent animal.

This. Children can be so awful and rough with dogs. I’m constantly defending my 2 doggies from the claws of my 2 monster children!

Our 15lb dog bit our daughter on the cheek when she was 1 yr old. She stepped on him while he was sleeping and he reacted. Well, it was more of a nip/graze. Looked like a scratch mostly. Anyway, I cried and it was awful. But he’s an animal that got hurt and his instinct took over. He’s still with us! Worst case I

A stray dog bit my sister once and we blamed my sister and kept the dog. (We also kept my sister.)

As a kid, I was bitten by our mini schnauzer more times than I can remember. Never once, did I not deserve it. I can’t imagine my family having euthanized her because I teased her to the point where she told me “STOP IT” the only way she knew how.

My dog, Napoleon, had cancer and I eventually had to see about putting him down rather than let him suffer until he died naturally. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I felt his heartbeat stop when the Vet did it.

Kardashians stealing all their ideas from avant-garde 1980's clubs.

Is anyone watching the new season of KUWTK? Kanye is on a lot more this season and you can just see the incredible disdain and frustrations she has for him. She looks at him like a child, she talks to him like a child... To be fair, he acts like one. But it’s weird to see their dynamic.

Being sleep deprived after giving birth and having a human feed off your body for nearly a year while your hormones are going insane is not the same as being sleep deprived during boot camp.

That is not, in fact, how most of them died. The first story that broke on this claimed that only 10 babies had died and that it was parental error like you’ve described, not strapping them in or using them after the baby could roll over. They later reported that the number was closer to 32 and countless more close

Way more baby stuff should be available to be rented! Or second-hand, or co-owned, or whatever. I would pay real money to join a Rent Shit For Your Baby service where I could choose from a well-maintained stable of buggies, cots, playpens, etc, and send them back after a few months / weeks / days when the baby grows


Nope. Nope. Nope. Positional asphyxiation can happen right in front of your face with your baby strapped in.  Fisher Price wants you to think it is dumb parents using this the wrong way.

In my opinion, the problem lies less with the expense of things like the Snoo (which ARE ridiculously out of hand), but rather because the window of utility is both short and unpredictable. Investing in the Snoo was never seriously entertained in our home, because the kid was going to grow out of it anywhere between

All those beautiful kids.

The system failed these kids at every step of the way, and it failed them because they were black. Disgusting. Not only did they take the kids away from their aunt because the mom visited the kids one time, but then they LEFT the kids with Jennifer Hart even after she was convicted of abuse.

I think it was still purposeful. The alcohol may have just removed their inhibitions enough to have her follow through.

Yeah, I mean, she could have called and said, “hey, remember when we shared a ride and we were talking about trolls, and you said this. I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and I remember you saying it like this. I’d like to use it in my book, in this context, but I want to make sure you’re okay with it and that I