
If you read the Consumer Reports article, it makes it clear that there were deaths unrelated to "user error." 

This is inaccurate. Many of the deaths were caused by positional asphyxiation, in children under three months who were not able to roll. The information is in the Consumer Reports article. Fisher Price is promoting the idea that it was dumb parents who used it incorrectly because they don't want to admit that the Rock

My husband has ADHD and I’ve honestly never even considered that there might be apps that could be helpful! Thank you for this!

“Decca” was Jessica’s nickname. :)

My mom was a sub all of last year. Every time she went to a new school she asked the office staff for a copy, or an overview, of the school’s lockdown/active-shooter policy so she would know what to do in an emergency. Every time - every single time! - the office staff person said “Oh, we’re not having a drill today,

For real, she looked STUNNING.

When a Black female athlete who’s spent her entire career being picked apart didn’t do it. That’s when.

It’s impossible to tell!!! If only they were signifying it somehow.

I recently saw a comment saying she couldn’t stop other women from giving her husband blow jobs, so how can we expect her to stop terrorists?

Yesterday a Trump supporter said “Overlooked in all this is that Mr Khan started it... he could have simply reminded us that there are laudable Muslim heroes; instead he started to pile on Trump.”


She is SO FUN to watch. I hate CNN, but I honestly would watch it all day if Angela Rye popped in once or twice an hour to react to the stupid bullshit everyone else says. <3 her.

hear hear!

I work for a major state university. We have a completely open campus and no metal detectors. This could absolutely happen here.

He overuses “incredible” like the women overuse “terrified.”

I didn’t have any of the dolls, but I loved the catalogues so much.

Or medical bills or natural disasters or man-made disasters or unemployment or being on a fixed income which means you’re unable to keep pace with rising rents or or or or or. Nope: according to Justin Keller people are homeless because they haven’t ~earned~ the right to live in San Francisco with the likes of him.

“They went out, got an education, work hard, and earned it.”

Because none of these homeless people he derides could possibly be well-educated or hard-working. Because drug addiction and mental illness only happen to the ignorant and lazy. Of course.

My doctor was unavailable to call in a prescription for Diflucan for a yeast infection (I’d had them before, and had a terrible reaction to Monistat, so my doc usually just made a call) so I had to see a NP. Instead of having a look at my chart (or my vulva/vagina) she interrogated me about what could’ve caused it. No

Thanks to the ACA, health insurance companies are required to cover annual exams completely, including all relevant tests, without co-pays. It absolutely stands to reason that people who are uninsured and don’t live near a federally-qualified community health center (which are require to on charge on a sliding scale)

If you have insurance, your annual is covered without a co-pay. If you don’t, consider checking out your local community health center - they typically have gynecologists on staff and charge on a sliding scale. Your health is important!