
Hey, nobody's judging what goes on in the privacy of your own boudoir...

Two words: shock collar

Thank you for this. I was taking a break from writing a report/dozing off and deciding on what music I could crank to 11 to power through this. NWA FTW, although I'ma little conflicted given all the ho'-slappin' antics. I try to separate the art/music from the artist/person, but these lads were overtly political so it

I had a weird encounter with some guy that was purportedly a dentist that was dedicated to removing old fillings from OLDs like myself because the mercury in them was slowly driving me mad. He also performed said dentistry in his backyard to provide a more natural setting. “Eco-dentist” sounds better than the

But that would just be replacing the Democrats with puppies and the Republicans with kittens. Both cuter to watch on TV, but no less combative.

Boxers or briefs?

And think of england

But...are the lentils free-range?

Heh heh - "rectory"

It all hinges on cow consent

Yep. Poor bastard probably wondered why the hell a Thai restaurant would have pot pie, but was too scared to ask his hormonally-deranged love of his life for clarification. He just got his ass over to Thai Garden and hoped for the best.

Are you new to these parts?

I dunno - I do the shopping too, but that doesn’t really bother me too much. I figure on the flip side, ladies like that will praise me to the skies for any weak-ass effort that they view as falling on the wife’s side of the ledger. “You bought ugly-ass muffins and brought them in for my birthday! You are truly an

Go Pig or go home!

Gonna guess he REALLLY liked funerals

Nothing stays perky forever...

That might have been one of the most 'Merican ways to go, short of being mobbed by bald eagles

Back in my grad school days, I had a former art history major for an advisor who was obsessed with the colors in her lab, and she especially loved purple. Being a lab, we made liberal use of duct tape when putting stuff together for experiments, but this was still in those dark days when duct tape came in one color.

That may be my new excuse for all my shortcomings!

On one hand, yes it is insightful as to how things work. In the other hand, who changes the laws? Congress. Who allocates the resources? Congress.