Best CAH haiku:
Best CAH haiku:
The only reason I want my birthstone is because they have lab-created emeralds made out of Mt. St. Helens' ash, and I was born on the day (couple of years after) it blew.
I enjoy your comments.
Not really adding to the conversation, but I'm a straight girl in the military who consistently wears the Mia Farrow/Anne Hathaway pixie cut, and most people at my command that don't know me very well think I'm gay.
You know, I don't know if you intended this or not, but I read your 'Hooray' in Agent Lana Kane's voice.
My ex-husband and I had an unintended pregnancy happen almost 10 years ago. Miscarrying was the best thing that ever happened to us.
The world lost something irreplaceable when Gerorge Carlin died.
Who is doing all the killing of these large numbers of men?
Total tangent, but having just heard Adele's Skyfall due to this very mash up, does anyone else feel like she could be covering a Portishead song in a bluesy style?
Maybe I should have put a /s at the end.
So, the gist of most comments seems to be 'well, if they can pass the men's fitness test, then whatever.'
My cat would eat that dog.
I love the jacket-the company make other neat replica items as well.
Mind. Blown.
I agree that they're gross-until you deep fry them.
I was telling a girlfriend of mine the other day that that would be the BEST. THREESOME. EVER.
Pre-flighting is a time honored tradition in the Navy. Drink cheap booze at home, then off to more expensive drinks and socialization!
I guess I'm pretty insulated at my current command-the shop I run is mostly people under 35 from a bunch of ethnically/socially different backgrounds, so we're all pretty liberal. I have a really hard time understanding the lower taxes/limited govt people in the military-you effectively pay no taxes, since your entire…
Well, as a woman in the military, I don't know. Short term, it could mean a better chance for advancement-Ole Mitt wants to beef up the Navy, that means more personnel, and a corresponding need more more senior enlisted. Long term, I am a woman, and as I don't have a husband or children to get home to make dinner for,…
Thank you-I can usually decipher militaryese, but combine it with legalese and I am LOST!