
Here's the thing-I don't have a problem with people bringing their own set of ethics in a non-consequential debate, or bringing their ethics into their personal decisions. I have a problem with people of faith trying to legislate their beliefs onto other people outside of their faith. I'm pretty sure that's what the

A set of faith-based ethics is fine-for people of faith. There is also nothing preventing people of faith from choosing to not have an abortion.

Uh, hate to sound lower-than-average on the bell curve, but could you put that in plain English for us non-lawyery types?

Neat! My friends usually prefer Cholula, but I like the stronger vinegar flavor in Tapatio.

How, exactly do orphanages, foster care, and public schools get paid for? I'd rather pay for contraceptives for women who don't want children than pay for a 18 years of an unwanted child's life.

No, Cholula simply cannot match the tastiness that is Tapatio.

Why don't we just go the Aussie's route and require everyone to vote? Then, states/fed. govt. would just issue you an ID, right?

This really reminds me of YouTube comments on Journey videos:

'House of Leaves' was a book I had to put down because it gave me some pretty intense nightmares. That, and after a while, every time I saw the word 'house' in blue it started to make me anxious.

Honestly, I know Jezebel detests Dan Savage for reasons, (or something), but his column is 10 times as helpful as this garbage.

Fucking brilliant.

Yo, dawg-if you don't like people commenting on your comments, send a PM.

That's probably the least stupid thing I've ever heard an evolutionary psychologist posit.

Everyone tells me that the egress is a good time. They have a mechanical helo shell that they dunk people into the pool while they're strapped in and have to swim a maze to get out. I will never understand what some people consider a good time.

Also, I don't think it's that we can't make essentials smaller and lighter, but that right now, it's still cost-prohibitive to do so (materials-wise to start). It's also due to the fact that while deviating significantly from the norm for sizing (down as well as up) costs a little more, re-shaping stuff based on

I don't know-the BUDS/Seal washout rate is something like 75-85%, and it's about 18 months of training on-you guessed it-sea, air, and land. Also, they have some pretty intense combat medical training, or so I hear.

Because women are gross, and REASONS!

No, she's sharing her opinions based on her husband's experiences, and then projecting her own personal limitations on all women everywhere. Also, she's dismissing many military women's opinion, because her husband has REASONS.

How to get people to take you seriously:

Actually, as far as body armor goes, there are some interesting developments going on with graphene and (I believe it was) liquid Kevlar. Still a ways off for anything other than concept testing, but interesting nonetheless.