
The piece in the image is absolutely spectacular. I’d love to know where I could find one like that, or by the same artist (for when I retire.)

The piece in the image is absolutely spectacular. I’d love to know where I could find one like that, or by the same

I’m in the military stationed overseas, and the USPS is the only service that consistently delivers to APO/FPO addresses. UPS/FEDEX switch every so often on whether they deliver based on their government contracts.

Thank you for having, like, the one serious comment on this article.

For a few items at once I use the Scrubba. It’s been super useful when I’m deployed and the ship shuts down laundry (ALWAYS when you’re on your last pair of socks & skivvies.) It’s expensive, but worth it in terms of space, which is at a premium for an enlisted Sailor on a ship.

That could make sense in a big Navy hub-quarantine the incoming crew and test all of them, sanitize the ship, make the swap and go back out. However, the logistics of getting 5000 people, aircraft, support equipment, etc. out to a place like Guam would be logistically impossible without exposing everyone to the virus

I’m in the Navy, I’ve been ship’s company on an aircraft carrier before and I cannot stress this enough: crews do not do this for outgoing Commanding Officers, even ones that the crew likes. This guy stepped up to take care of his crew when it was obvious that big Navy wasn’t going to do it and was fired. The Navy is

I’m in the Navy, I’ve been ship’s company on an aircraft carrier before and I cannot stress this enough: crews do not do this for outgoing Commanding Officers, even ones that the crew likes. This guy stepped up to take care of his crew when it was obvious that big Navy wasn’t going to do it and was fired. The Navy is

Honestly, thank you for posting this. It sent me down a half day YouTube rabbit hole that I didn’t exactly enjoy, but definitely feel smarter for watching.

Shipmate-his RATE is aviation machinist’s mate, his RANK is airman apprentice (abbreviated as ADAA).

I like Glerups-warm in winter, control sweat in summer, mold nicely to your feet. Bit pricey, though.

Well, that tracks with his history of being a Naval Officer-in my experience, most of them are like that.

Same. I’m a few months shy of 18, and although my command holds me as the “senior enlisted female” in the command (as a mere E6), I can’t in good conscience recommend reenlistment to the women who already have an exit plan. I hung on this long due to debt and sheer fucking gritting it out for that retirement-if they

I can’t believe this doesn’t have enough stars for #COTD status.

It’s worth finding an unrevised version of The Gunslinger. SK George Lucas’d himself and added enough to the revised version to take away some of its fairy-tale like qualities and grit (IMHO.)

It’s honestly comparing apples and oranges. I switched to lunapads 10 years ago (most recently the performa line), and have switched to thinx in the last year, and honestly it’s easy to forget you’re on your period with both of them. (Thinx is more comfortable on my bicycle, which I commute with, so those are my

Thank god, because I can’t go back, they’re too comfortable.

For everyone lamenting the lack of low-rise jeans and has some cash to spend (and not available in larger sizes 😔): Patagonia.

I feel the Giant Days loss as well. 

I’m skeptical of Lin Manuel-Miranda’s casting because I always read Lee Scoresby as more of a stoic, (Sam Elliot was PERFECTLY cast in my head canon), but I’m willing to be surprised. They wasted a perfect cast (except Lyra, but that could’ve been due to the writing and direction) on the movie, so I don’t see how it

I bought a mattress from Ikea of all places, and it’s actually been pretty freaking great.