
“How is this newsworthy? So somebody’s gay, big whoop”

Let’s not give pussies a bad name. They are strong, reliable, serious working parts!


the war has already been declared.  Should we ignore it while they gather even more strength?

Who’s out here teaching little white kids that they should feel bad for being white? If teaching them basic American history makes them feel ashamed for what white people did that’s on white people.

The punishment is too light, but this is probably not too far from the mark. We do make a distinction for juveniles and there has to be a line at some point between the two, even if everyone here thinks 17 is too old, and it’s definitely manslaughter, and not “what basically amounts to murder, as the author put it.

The filthy rich and their spawn are not “able to learn and be a better person.” They have been taught their entire lifetime that us poors are nothing of import. We are disposable. We are trash. They think in terms like “I can kill as many people as I like by poisoning their environment and only pay a small fine,” or,

Cool story, except that Kate wasn’t bragging, she was literally just answering a question *Howard asked her* about whether she had her IQ tested. Unless of course your definition of bragging is women honestly answering questions men ask them, how dare the bitch.

$25 million reasons you’re wrong

At the same time, why does everything have to come down to legality and signed agreements for things like this. Shouldn’t a well functioning system be easy to navigate, transparent, and not rely on having to protect yourself all the time?  An ideal system here should be relatively “frictionless” so to speak.

Trump seems to have boiled the Right’s ethos down to “never admit fault”, “never admit defeat”, “always attack”, and above all else “trigger the libs”. This mentality has become more important than any single policy stance, any fact, more important than life itself. Because this specific topic has become a “thing”

Why do so many people want to literally die on this hill?

I see tokenism isn’t in your vocabulary.
Dave has never defended any of his jokes before.
Even making fun the victims of Michael Jackson.
If he has to constantly defend this now, it’s because he’s run out of material and he knows all he’s doing is attacking the trans community.

While I didn’t have time to read the entire article, because I’m at work...Gizmodo’s long-form reporting is some of their best work.  I’m not going to complain “It’s too long,” just because I can’t read it now.

It’s part of America’s Long Con to take advantage of the greedy and desperate, all while keeping them convinced they could be millionaires too(with your soul intact).

Dude, just...No. For many of us this is a lovely respite from the two paragraph articles typically offered up and is a far sight better than the links to a video and a couple of sentences we were getting for a long time. This is a well written article, maybe just finish it up when you’re at home? 

This is ridiculous. It was a very good read.

4) there are bad people that prey on the greedy, stupid, and/or desperate

...and they should all be arrested and punished.

I hate to victim blame here, but people didn’t see it coming giving money to “Secret Millionaire Society”?