
And yet I’m not. Although given your comments I can understand that you might think so. You seem clueless as to appropriateness.

There’s something wrong with you.

IOW - “She made the best of a bad situation, so leave her alone”? Let’s say that instead of jet planes and coke & fashion photographers she got half a pack of smokes and didn’t even get to keep the bottle of Wild Turkey he’d shared with her when he left the trailer park. Do you suppose she’d still be happy with her

So the result of their investigations has been that she was “serially harassed”, but not “sexually harassed”. Well, that’s good to know.

After last week’s near loss to Seattle after a 31 - 0 lead at the half I wasn’t counting anyone out until the last 8 minutes. Every team has a meltdown sometimes. Yesterday it was the Cardinals.

Who would want to watch that shit?

Is it too early to give out the Uppercrust Twit of the Year Award?

It’s the same thing that many rape victims will do when grabbed off the street by an armed rapist. “Stay still, it will be over, and maybe he won’t kill me.”

I thought that only these people went to the police when they were high.

It was pure torture. We’re in NC, and my fair weather fan husband left me on the sofa to watch the rest of the game at 31-17.

As I suspected, you have nothing to support your statement as to this particular situation. Even worse, you have to reach back to 1859 to cite a source. You should quit while you’re only behind as much as you are.

Where do you get “racist” from? Oregon fans are as obnoxious as anyone, but you can’t just put “racist” in front of it without any overt act of racism that you can validate.

I wish I had. I’m surprised that it’s only at -7 at this point.

As a Duck fan I’m disgusted. It went from being a “must watch” game that could bump their final standing to a “How bad will the second string QB be? Of course the Ducks won, why bump them?” game.

Where’s a “small government” whiner when they eat the Blue Bell ice cream? On the toilet or in the hospital, with everyone else.

If he moves to Tennessee and gets a decent Defensive coach he might create a brilliant team yet. But Kelly was wasted on the Eagles - and had too much power - and Mariota has been wasted on Tennessee.

It looks as though Aaron isn’t missing any of his ‘roid regime in prison.

1) Why have a baseball bat on a football field?

says he was arrested because of a social experiment...”

Not yet. I’m more concerned that it’s going to end up being Marco Rubio.