
And they’ll bite every-damned-body that walks through the front door, lol.

It's sad how people need someone to hate. I wish we could figure out a way to harness that energy and channel it constructively, or train it out of people. But it really seems innate.

I am an asshole.

Absolutely. My ultra conservative family still dismisses my liberalism because I’m “young.” But I get more liberal, in terms of what they would consider liberal, as the years go on. If I’m a 35 year old with a spouse, a mortgage, a buncha kids, have now been in the work force for 20 years, how much more of an adult do

Well, look what happened with Elijah Wood. He didn't name anyone, and a day later he backtracked. Obviously, if someone with so much clout who has been famous for so long can't say anything before someone else gets to them, this shit goes deeper than we can imagine.

Exactly. I think it has much more to do with critical thinking education which is much more prominent in college than high school. And I think it perfectly represents why, in some places, the GOP is doing everything they can to hinder critical (or really just “challenging”) thought in schools.

Republicans have been true to the concept of fiscal conservatism in name only for as long as I’ve been alive. It’s propaganda that doesn’t have anything to do with their actual policies.

My little sis goes to a baptist college and will probably marry a preacher or something and I look forward to poisoning the minds of my future nieces and nephews with my left-wing feminist agenda.

If your friend was a true fiscal conservative, he wouldn’t be a Republican.

I didn’t know Feldman was so well spoken. I used to love “the Coreys” when I was younger. It must be so strange to have a child and realize how wrong some of the shit that was happening to you really was.

I like that most of the responses aren’t “Good job putting her in her place brah.” Small victories. :\

I think receiving the salary of the football coach for life might be a good start.

Burn it to the ground. It’s surprising enough she got a conviction out of a football player in Texas. Hopefully she gets fuck-you rich off of this and these football factories masquerading as places of learning might think twice before minimizing a victim of the environment they created.

This, sadly, does not surprise me. Take cows. Now most people imagine that a cow is only dangerous when its panicked or really, really annoyed. Its not. They will plot. They will take action. Cows will kill anything. Eat anything. Do not fuck with cows.

Beat me to it.

Thanks, I knew I saw something from South Park but I couldn't place it exactly, and you nailed it.

OMG, I thought it was just me!

Bea Arthur was a motherfucking queen

It’s like when I told people in California that I lived in Seattle and they kept asking me about the ocean beaches. People have a weird conception of what the PNW is, I think.