
Which false assumption is that? That you didn’t read the article so your thoughts on it are irrelevant? Works for me.

Which Paranoid Android doesn’t know or understand because he didn’t read the article. Arguing with him is a waste of time and energy.

Well, then. Everyone should live up to your standards.

Wow - you didn’t read the article but you felt the need to degrade the author? Sorry you think you have a legitimate opinion on the matter.

Oh, I’d be all over Republicanism if any of them were fiscally conservative. All anyone needs to do is look at the Federal budget to know that they aren’t. I grew up in a bastion of liberality and recently moved to the buckle of the bible belt. There’s nothing fiscally conservative about rejecting Obamacare and


They’re pretty good at ignoring all their other tenets, too. “Family Values” is what we’re supposed to work on, not them. (I’ve been married to my one and only husband for 30+ years, never cheated or been cheated upon.) Abortions are bad when you have to go to the clinic to get one but they can take their wives and

It is the attorney’s job to “vigorously defend their client”. She was doing her job.

She’s quite pretty. And brown skinned. I don’t imagine that helped win Herr Hafen’s favor, either.

I want to hear how horrible it is there for him.

Michelle musta run outta eggs.

C’mon down to Charlotte to visit that NASCAR Hall of Fame. You’ll have it all to yourselves. Charlotteans are thrilled to have fronted NASCAR $160 Million on that monstrosity. It’s too bad that someone with some sense didn’t mention to the City of Charlotte that the toothless wonders that call themselves NASCAR fans

This will go way back, but some of you may remember when Marvin Gaye was ordered to give his ex-wife the proceeds of his next album as part of their divorce settlement. He recorded a real turd called “Here, My Dear”. Needless to say, she got shit. I hope that Kesha will find a way to emulate Marvin.

And yet I’m not. Although given your comments I can understand that you might think so. You seem clueless as to appropriateness.

There’s something wrong with you.

IOW - “She made the best of a bad situation, so leave her alone”? Let’s say that instead of jet planes and coke & fashion photographers she got half a pack of smokes and didn’t even get to keep the bottle of Wild Turkey he’d shared with her when he left the trailer park. Do you suppose she’d still be happy with her

So the result of their investigations has been that she was “serially harassed”, but not “sexually harassed”. Well, that’s good to know.

After last week’s near loss to Seattle after a 31 - 0 lead at the half I wasn’t counting anyone out until the last 8 minutes. Every team has a meltdown sometimes. Yesterday it was the Cardinals.

Who would want to watch that shit?

It’s the same thing that many rape victims will do when grabbed off the street by an armed rapist. “Stay still, it will be over, and maybe he won’t kill me.”