
I’m sure that his deposition will go well. /s

I really wish that my knee-jerk reaction to the idea that a partner would have somehow prevented this wasn’t “The partner would just watch and/or participate.” :(

Moutaderie is never going to look into that case. It doesn’t support his “bitches be suing over nothing” narrative.

$75k is not enough to ask for. I hope that this will go to a jury and that they will award her 100 times that.

I think that there may be a typo in your comment. The Panthers are undefeated. That being said, their easy games of the season are in the past. Can’t say that I wouldn’t love to see them kick Tom Brady’s ass, though, and the only chance to do so this year is likely to be at the Super Bowl. Then again, I wouldn’t mind

Someone needs to update their “what does Cam Newton put on his head after they send in the 2nd string quarterback?” info. Then they need to update their sarcasm software.

Never trust a guy in a “Rand Paul” wig.

From what I read, he and Josh Duggar are on the same page.

Not sure if it were the same article, but in the the one I read yesterday the latest victim said that it happened to her in front of crew members, who watched.

They led him to believe that he was a stud, unfortunately he was just a big dick.

According to him, this dude has looked at everything that walks the earth as well as his own hand and said, “no”. Not much to get worked up about there.

And even so, this is not what Tim Tebow has done. Tim Tebow is a virgin. Tim Tebow says he is a virgin for Jesus. Tim Tebow likes to go out with pretty girls and clit tease them, then nothing - to show what a great Christian he is. I mean, c’mon, we’re talking about a guy who tried to trademark genuflecting as a way

“Taking a break from sex” because you got burned in a bad relationship is not celibacy. It’s self protection and/or grief.

In what way, exactly? Mind you, I expect you to relate this difference from your own experience as a religious celibate. I come from a long family line of Catholics, and let me promise you there’s nothing about religious celibacy that isn’t also “putting on a show”.

I’m with you 100%. My brother’s best friend J from HS, who would now be 59 years old, has never had a girlfriend. He harps on women all the time about how much he loves them and he is the right one for him. But when it comes time for the nasty he can’t follow through.

I wish I could say the same. When I was young at the very least when a woman was raped even if men didn’t want to believe you they had more sense than to pipe up in mixed company with, “She deserved it!” “Look at how she was dressed!” The boldness of the rape deniers is more terrifying than I have ever seen before.

I thought that maybe the whistle was overinflated and they had to let some air out for Tom Brady to be able to work with it.

And a bunch of fucking morons on a jury will say, “Well yeah. She was probably asking for it.” I hope she wins, but I don’t have much faith in the general public being able to figure out when a cop has broken the law.

If you belong to a Parish, you tithe. If you wanted a break on tuition at the Parish school, and if you had five or six kids you wanted a break, you tithed. Otherwise you’re just going to Mass on someone else’ dime.

“I don’t know why you won’t put a clip in your hair and keep it out of your eyes. If you’d just brush it back every day it would stay back by itself.”

I was 7. He had a crew-cut & used butch wax. There were no clips in the house, and they hadn’t paid for a haircut for me in at least 3 years. And hair that grows forward