
Yes. I support free speech and free expression of thought, so long as it doesn’t incite violence. Don’t you?

Maybe I misinterpreted? I thought you were referring to yourself. Perhaps I read it wrong.

What’s it like to know everything about sex and morality at 12 years old? My teenagers always tried to tell me that, and I tried to tell my parents the same thing, but we were wrong.

I’m shocked - shocked, I say - to find that HS football players are at the center of a teen sexting scandal. The next thing you’ll know, someone will insinuate that a boy pressured a girl there to have sex against her will! As if! /s

That’s ok, Fox Boston. His name is Brett Magnuson and he works at Greene Construction.

I bought my first I-Pod at Best Buy in the winter of 2002 with (I think) 8g of memory. I also got their extended warranty. I did have problems from time to time, but lucky me each time I brought it in for service they upgraded me to a new one. I went from photo with 8g to video with 16g, then 32g, and finally the 80g

These roads down here, people drive however they like. Some drive 20 MPH, some drive 60 MPH, regardless of the speed limit. There’s people passing on double yellow, in the safety lane, the bike lane, even the median - especially motorcycles. Occasionally on a motorcycle popping a wheelie in the safety lane. But swerve

Karma for defacing the Magic statue.

Good. I hope they get placed in the general population. The best way to deal with this sick cult would be forced sterilization.

There was a behemoth bedframe with one inch screw eyes like studs on every surface 3” apart. I get where it was kind of “edgy”, but how the hell were you supposed to get in and out of it? Levitate? It seems to me that this was another Hildy moment. You couldn’t pay me to hire Hildy to decorate my house. The woman is a

I watch football because I like it. I thought about trying to figure out the fantasy leagues, but I just couldn’t get excited about it. Bummer that it’s turned into a rip-off gambling site. It used to be for fun amongst friends.

They were just girls, for crying out loud! When are the libs going to figure that out? It’s not as if he touched boys! /s

BLM will be as united or divided a force as they are able to come to be. Their success lays in their own hands. I wish them well.

“United we stand - divided we fall” means everyone. Well, 98.07% of us, anyway.

Seriously, if people can’t keep track of their kids in the amusement park or the grocery store they either have too many kids or they’re doing it wrong. Once in a while a kid gets away from you, but as a general rule, you should have your kid(s) under control enough that they walk with you or they don’t go with you.


Me, too.

They’re probably on a wiffleball scholarship at an ivy league college somewhere.

Not necessarily. It’s splitting hairs, but I believe it’s the difference between civil law and criminal law. I could be wrong. They could get a writ against her to stop or limit the amount of food she puts out as a matter of nuisance, or get a variance in the law for this particular situation. If they don’t have a

Bra sizes are so weird. I’m a 34D or a 36C. How can that even be? Isn’t it one or the other?

That’s a sweetheart deal.

I’m sure that both those things go without saying.