Honestly, we should just take our toys and go home.
Honestly, we should just take our toys and go home.
He’s falling for one of the classic blunders.
If GW Bush had chosen to listen to the inspectors rather than the one criminal who told him the lie he wanted to hear, who knows? The world would be a different place. Whether he’d listened to the inspectors, or waited 5 years into a war looking for those WMD’s the answer was always the same - there weren’t any.
Fux News.
I’d be happy to let Israel deal with their haters themselves.
This kind of fake diplomacy has led to wars in the past, and will again I’m afraid.
Spot on.
“The ‘enemy of my enemy’ is my friend” method of foreign policy doesn’t appear to work too well.
You say that as though Mike Rogers has information about this particular situation that the President doesn’t have. If so, why would he not share that information with the President so that the President can be fully informed? Is this information as accurate and useful as the WMD’s in Iraq he told President Bush about?
IMHO, it’s time to let the Middle East work this out with amongst themselves. Our entire military budget is money better spent at home. We could still spend some on a military “at home”, but it would be spent locally, and there would be money for other things.
Given the opportunity, Terry will not be kind to Tommy this year.
But they’re non-profit!
I’m married 30 years. I’m a bit disabled, so I don’t walk well, and it’s obvious if you’re looking that there is something physically wrong with me. But I’m pretty. Last winter I had to go to a friend’s gargantuan party without my hubby as he was ill and I had promised to help the friend with music. I’m talking to…
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could discuss “false narratives” more and not have to listen to “bitches lie”, “she wanted it”, “she did it before”, “was he black”, “did he hold a gun to your head?”, “did you fight back?” or “but look at Duke Lacrosse & Tawana Brawley”?
Best play of the season. And I’m not just saying that because I’m a Duck. So good he had to use it twice in the article. :)
Pats fans - the biggest fucking cheaters winners are the biggest fucking whiners.
The NCAA players are supposed to be represented by the NCAA. It’s not as though the NCAA will go broke if they hire a full time administrative assistant to keep the players in their video games straight.
If her pregnancy wasn’t the mistake she made, what was the mistake? That chin?
Why pick on poor Jameis Winston? I’m sure he didn’t get any special treatment on his theft and rape problems...
The only people who get this treatment already have money and power, or the potential for more money and power for to benefit those with money and power. Skin color has nothing to do with it.