
"Remember when we all switched from Firefox to Chrome?"

Bite me, moron.

They funded it as an homage to Kennedy. Pardon me if I prefer to not have to assassinate Presidents for every progressive step we take as a nation.

What do you mean, "The Klan, in the South at least was..." There ain't no "was" to the the Klan in the South about it.

I think you didn't really read the article.

I have to prove my dogs are vaccinated against rabies if I take them to a groomer. Actually, I have to prove my dogs have been vaccinated against rabies just to own them. Why not prove that kids are vaccinated against childhood diseases to take them to a bounce house. I'm sure that someone will freak out that I am

She wouldn't have been taken seriously by anyone if the attention she had gotten was ridicule instead of interest.

I don't often hear "I love being fat. I'm fat because I'm more well informed than thin people and choose to be fat. Being fat is healthier than the chances I take by exercising or eating healthy foods and staying thin."

I'm sorry it was so difficult for you to read and comprehend the article. Have you considered night school?

Doesn't everyone get to use the State Police Helicopter to get to their kid's Little League game?

Coffee with half & half 4/1 is my breakfast every day. It doesn't need any "fatty oil". It's got yummy half & half. I've done this for about 40 years. At lunchtime I have lunch. I'm not fat.

No shit? There was racism in a Western State in 1859? Racists were welcome there into the 1950's & 1960's and people kind of let it slide? Racists like Ken Webber still feel comfortable moving to sagebrush piss-poor middle of fucking nowhere desert towns like Medford and then get fired from their public job for being

I guess they pulled a boner.

Jesus Fucking Christ, how many times do we have to explain that if it starts snowing in Florida on any sort of regular basis that this is "Climate Change"? Fuck Al Gore for calling it "Global Warming", and fuck Al Gore for conceding on 11/7/2000.

Wait, middle class America? That still exists?


The one on the left is the Conservative. It's no wonder he fell apart when his Mamma called.

I'm old and I don't really remember when Mariah Carey could sing. I remember producers making it seem that she could sing but actually "singing"? Not so much.

The lady down the street tells me that there's a lot of stuff coming to light that shows that 9/11 didn't happen, either. She sees stuff on the internet all the time and you can't trust the 9/11 Commission report because "Duh, it's a report generated by the government, and they're the ones who perpetrated the hoax!"

Jackie makes her way downstairs, her red dress apparently sufficiently intact to wear; the party is still raging.