Pride goes before you drop the ball.
Pride goes before you drop the ball.
I moved to the South a few years ago and am slowly getting used to the "environment". (Yes, I have found a church yet. There's two on every block. Why is everyone always asking me to find a church for them?)
I have never been a fan of reality television, and while I do watch about 12 hours of tv a day somehow I've…
They just love running around with us, is all. Can you blame them?
(Somewhere there must be a video of a cat screeching and arching it's back at someone trying to remove it from a soccer game...)
As if Boy George could ever sit quietly at a party. Besides, cameras don't work for blind people. That's why Stevie's taking a snap of Michael Jackson's crotch.
Charles supports my theory that what people think of as "normal parenting" is what you grew up with.
Where do the creators of "Assassin's Creed", "GTA" and "Bioshock" stand on this issue? Because it would seem a little bit hypocritical to encourage shooting, beating, pimping, and raping women in their games and then ask their users to "be nice".
But are you asking for a "quick look" at "assault on an officer" stacking up against "police shooting a citizen"? Or are you asking for "any police defined assault on an officer" against "police shooting a citizen"? Because the latter don't stack up against each other in any way shape or form.
Totally serious question - do you understand a comparative study? I'm all for comparing tit for tat with the police, but "attacks on police" are different than "police shootings of citizens". If you are suggesting that a study be done to compare "deadly force" used against police compared to "deadly force" used…
GangRapeWatcherTroll says what?
I can't say that I agree with you there, but you are definitely a troll. I bet you were one of those guys who always posted "FIRSTIES!" on HuffPo when you were actually about 20th, then posted "Ah, damn! Not fast enough!"
I'm thinking that this is more for the apartment dweller who is really low on space. Anything I don't use all the time isn't getting eye space in my kitchen. For people like us who don't want to see it, this is a great idea for the fridge in the garage.
Try Firefox.
Imagine what they would have to say about him if he had been a girl. Stupid for boys, justification for slut-shaming a girl.
I'm all for a gritty story. I watched "I, Claudius" when it first came out and enjoyed it so much I read the book as well as "Claudius, The God" several times. I loved "Rome", "The Sopranos", can't wait for "Boardwalk Empire" to start again. If you really want to see a good series, try "Wire in the Blood". There are…
As if a password would really stop anyone who wanted to mire in this filth. Honestly, I don't know how you did it. I couldn't even read beyond the second set of exchanges.
I made it to 9:27 AM. And then I couldn't let the filth into my brain anymore.
Glenn's got a point - women have to be passed out drunk to have sex with him.
Mitt could put in a bid for Kolob...
Look at the number of replies, asshat. Then fuck off.