
Are you taking the time to drag this on with all 83 people that disagreed with your original statement? If so you might want to rethink your definition of a "troll" and how "some bad man" fits in with it. Or are you only stalking me, troll?

I trolled you? Your mom should explain the internet to you.

"lol, what kind of retard would get offended with ANYTHING to do with internet?"

As the troll so gleefully pointed out, a child would be offended - and made to cry - by something said to them on the internet. Their tough shit for not being able to take it. Adults who pick on children on the internet until they cry are to be admired. Toughen them up and if they can't hack it they can hang

You're a big fan of the "sticks and stones..." theory, I see.

If only Sammy Davis Jr. were alive to buy it - that would be justice that an old racist Jew like Sterling could understand. ;)

This was entirely unnecessary. If there is one sure fire way to turn a crowd of drunken students into a riot it's to call the riot police.

Miley fan.

You think that YOU were the girl I was referring to when I started this thread? Fuck off, you psycho egomaniac piece of shit.

Nah, I'm an American who knows what this is about and neither you nor Miley does and it makes me want to bitch slap you for even making fun of it because what it wasn't was funny. AND I think you think too highly of yourself and your paltry blowjob knowledge. People have been doing it since Adam and Eve and they were

He could have kept being a "Small Businessman", except he never was. He could have kept being a politician, except he never was.

I'm glad that his fellow members of the UAW know just how to welcome Joe the Dumber. They get to have their opinions too. He should quit whining like a big fucking Republitard.

I thought that he was a shoe in for Congress? What happened? That didn't work out for him?

Thanks for repeatedly confirming that you're ignorant and fatuous (look it up). Without fans like you, Miley wouldn't have any fans at all.

I'm pretty sure that stoophar doesn't...

"Shit, I hope no one recognizes me!"

I see that you haven't got a clue as to what Vince Foster has to do with it or what it did to our country.

Yes, because you and Miley had such keen political minds when you were 3 and 40 years before you were born.

Please, girl! You're not even old enough to remember that shit! We all know that you didn't go to school, so quit trying to make it seem like you know anything about famous blowjobs in history.


Salted butter is what you put on your bread or popcorn or whatever you are eating that is already cooked. Different salted butters have different salt contents. If your test is to compare butter to margarine, you need to use salted butter.