Chaim Salomon

Cruise is a fucking nutjob on so many levels but I would never bet against his show-business acumen, particularly with regards to how he’s managed the MI franchise.

Seinfeld is my absolute favorite show of all time. I just watched three episodes last night. But what has Jerry Seinfeld done since then to dispel the idea that he is an extremely fortunate rider of coatails?

I count myself a fan of Cruise’s professional work, especially with how he architected his career in a very strategic and calculated way.

You’re a finance manager for Sheehy Lexus?

Agree — I’m in my early 40s and been having trouble explaining to my younger friends 10-20 years my junior just how, well, “big” Super Size Me was when it came out and what kind of impact it had. No one was ever under the impression that fast food was healthy, but the degree to which it was unhealthy, and how systemic

I saw the twitter dunking and it was mostly being made by people who weren’t even alive in ‘04 when Super Size Me came out. Even at it’s release ‘Oh wow guy eats nothing but Mcdonald’s and gets fat stop the presses’ was a wide criticism of the films concept. But at the time it was pretty hard to know what was being

Are there some pre-existing Rowland/diva stories floating around out there? Genuinely asking, I truly don’t know much about her. Odd to see sources say “yea the security/ushers were being pretty aggressive”, see video of security/ushers being pretty aggressive, and read reactions from people saying “Rowland was

Algeria would like a word.

Gibson’s post-scandal career is something 99.99999% of people working in the entertainment industry would sell their soul for.

The world isn’t a court. Just because he wasn’t found guilty of a crime, doesn’t mean that people have to be forced to work with him. There is no law against him working, but there are enough great actors out there without his baggage. Why should studios take that chance?

He’s been found not guilty and hasn’t spent a second in jail as far as I can tell.

Isn’t it well known that most large universities have a large school-wide ceremony as well as numerous smaller ones for the respective schools and institutions within the university system? The article is clear - students walked out of Seinfeld’s commencement speech, as a means of protest and generating attention for

Are you trying to make the point that he isn’t a fair target for criticism or protest? He’s an open supporter of a military force that has slaughtered 30K people and his wife was bragging about funding the goons who attacked students at UCLA.

So you think it’s good to keep funding a country that’s currently in the midst of their ethnic cleansing endgame, got it.

Whether you are at a dumb ceremony has absolutely zero to do with whether or not you get your degree. Most of the time you don’t even get your actual degree (which, in reality, is still just a piece of paper, the actual proof that you got a degree is with the registrar) during overblown graduation ceremonies, it gets

Right because otherwise all graduation events are 100% legally binding and if you miss them you have to do college again.

Maybe America’s fucked up and this is one tell-tale sign IDK just spit balling here.

You’d think, right? But it feels like a story that’s been conveniently forgotten about, and at this point it’s pretty clear there are different tiers of justice in this country.  

I’m a little over my skies here as I too don’t really follow football but Brady worked for the Patriots organization for... decades? A long ass time. And in that time Brady and Kraft made each other a lot of money. Crazy as it sounds, Brady probably considers Kraft a friend, and Kraft probably appeared there as a

They probably don’t like reminding people that