Chaim Salomon

I think folks knew something was up w/ Spacey for a while though I don’t think folks really suspected the depths of it. I grew up in North Jersey and remember hearing rumors in the 90s — when Spacey’s career was ascendent but his sexuality was still an unknown — that, during his Broadway tenures, Spacey would occasiona

I almost feel bad for her in that I think she came up in a time/place within the industry where that kind of behavior was SOP until all of a sudden it wasn’t. And she probably had to grow an extra thick skin and sharp elbows because yea, she was unfairly pilloried that first go around with her sitcom. It also probably

I... kind of can’t blame them? There’s been a not-insignificant, persistent and vocal contingent of neckbeards and “cool girls” who have been shitting all over Swift for years now, downplaying her success and talent at every turn because apparently the things women care about, especially young women, is dismissed and

we are probably one of the most obnoxious fan bases

Seems like an easy PR win to bring them on in some kind of consultancy basis. And the grant thing is a good idea.

I was older at the time, early 20s, but equally gullible and had a similar experience. I completely believed the hype, dragging my incredulous gf at the time on opening night. The theater was PACKED and rowdy, one of my top theater experiences ever.

Blair Witch remains the single greatest moviegoing experience of my life, full stop.

If only British citizens had the first amendment to protect them!

And there you have it. A thoughtful critique of Taylor Swift’s work. It can be done! Not with “dur girls are stupid and like stupid things” or “Taylor isn’t important and doesn’t matter” or “this isn’t art”. Actually listening to the work and providing a nuanced response.

This looks great. Whether Shyamalan can execute remains another question — the man has killer hooks but is hit-or-miss on delivery. I am cautiously optimistic, frankly given Hartnett’s*  involvement even more so than Shyamalan’s.

I found the book Annihilation to be superior to the film, primarily because of the film’s ending.

This guy can only be alive at this point due to plot armor, I swear. 

Oh no, not the “your comment is simply much too long and complicated for me to understand” bit!

She’s talking about art Taylor Swift.

Ys, because nobody criticizes them. It’s not like there are whole huge swathes of the internet that routinely bitch and moan about Taylor Swift and how awful and ubiquitous they think she us. So brave! You must also be very impressed by the average incel.

I would amplify your point by noting that Courtney Love has more access to the music industry than the vast majority of women in the world. If she wants to simultaneously represent “a safe space for girls” and ALSO make music that meets her own standard for what is “interesting” in 2024, she should try her hand at

Counterpoint: It’s sad to see someone who is thirsty for attention use the names of more famous, more successful people in their field to draw attention to themselves. Courtney Love could be famous for the music she makes, but that’s hard. Getting clicks for talking reckless about more famous people is easy.

Which part is true?

ain’t I a stinker? 

I say she’s sneering at it. Jean Mahfouz. This is my user name, the one that appears over the words “Why is that something to be sneered at?”, because I can read, both text and subtext. I hope this is helpful to you.