Chaim Salomon


Ugh don’t get me started on that goon. I’ve been a loyal HBO subscriber since forever (I still think of the “HBO in space” intro when I think of the brand). Chances are pretty good I will cancel in the next year.

Unprofessional shits that likely make many-times what I make. Who consumes this garbage? I really don’t get it. 

While housing chick fil a? And then pivoting to a discussion over drama over a food brand? Interesting. And then they’re all talking into mics with food in their mouths while talking about how they don’t give a fuck... 

Hiddleston would have to want to stay on though, and I get the impression he’s kind of done with the MCU. He’s got a nice cu$hion from his decade-plus of playing Loki and likely wants to do something else now.

You realize this is a news article because it is out of the ordinary for someone to overcome a sex scandal, right? They won “despite” a “scandal”.

Clearly you don’t care about the outcome of these elections or you would have agreed running a porn star was a dumb idea. But for some of us this isn’t a game; we do care what happens to women, people of color, and those in poverty when elections are lost.

This was entirely predictable and why it was monumentally selfish of her to run with a sword of Damocles over her head.

see what happens?

wow this is crazy who could have predicted this

Well well look where we are indeed

The MCU narrative is essentially done for me. It was right there in the title: End Game. Perfect ending to a great story. On to other things.

Bibi’s “help Hamas to help Israel” strategy is well known. There’s no conspiracy or leaps in logic here. It’s been openly discussed in Israeli and Arab circles for years.

This is some kind of negativity bias, right? Or whatever the opposite of survivorship bias is?

The obsession with Twitter or X or whatever the fuck is insane, along with just the general addiction to social media from people who should just fucking know better.

When +8,300 people have been bombed to shit, most of them were civilians, half of them were children, and you’re rooting against a cease-fire, you’re the problem.

+1,0000 on “basic media literacy”. People are deeply, deeply stupid.

I mentioned it because it literally happened to me while visiting a friend. Made a wrong turn and became very uncomfortable very quickly. 

Alien 3 is an excellent movie and a terrible sequel 

I think everyone is insane for discounting electability when deciding on who should represent your party in an election.