Chaim Salomon

Isn’t having a “safe space for girls” important? Why is that something to be sneered at?

The facade is over. He’s a fucking carnival barker who was born into wealth and lucked into more. He merits attention not because he has anything brilliant to say, but because he believes himself to be brilliant and will act on that belief in unpredictable and potentially destructive ways.

I liked her. Her character anyway. It was fun and also empowering to see a physically strong woman who wasn’t built like some ballerina ninja waif but could actually hit like a MACK truck and IRL wreck most dudes. I was genuinely excited for Rangers of the Republic — I’m also big fan of Kim’s Convenience and was

Ironically, reports state that she couldn’t keep her opinions to herself ON the job either.

I was in high school social studies class when the principal came on the PA to interrupt everyone’s classes to announce the verdict. It’s difficult to describe how fucking obsessed the nation was with this trial. The perfect storm of the birth of the 24 hour news cycle at a time when we could still have some kind of

John Cena — Clearly has a sense of humor. Both in general and about himself. So all this “alpha” bullshit is gonna roll off him like water off a duck’s back. Well played.

Yep, you can’t shame the shameless.

Agree. I think there was a time when shame could control these thugs but we’re way past that now. Trump basically unlocked a super-power for conservatives — shame-invincibility. Imperviousness to hypocrisy. They don’t feel it. It bounces off them like bullets bounce off Superman. Sexual assault, racism, bald-faced

The headline alone is going to make some weird coal rolling asshole very angry 

I guess I get a false modesty vibe from him; I feel like I’ve also just been hearing stories about him getting high off his own farts for years.  

I don’t think he’s humble or down to earth. What I do think he is, is one of those guys you’d “like to have a beer with.” Like, he’s funny (and especially likes when other people laugh at his jokes), he’s nice to his friends, and he’s nice to anyone he can get something from. Pleasurable to be around in the right

Haha I’ve definitely heard that story, though I don’t remember if it’s from Paul or somewhere else.

Stallone sounds like a next level asshole. He’s always struck me as one, both from the vibe he gives off as well as the numerous anecdotes I’ve heard. The Unspooled episode of “Creed” dives into this in an entertaining way:

Dear Tesla Stans, know that when you buy your cellphones on wheels, you are supporting a right-wing maniac who has zero self-awareness.

They’re not going to answer that question, certainly not in good faith. If “low-information leftists” didn’t give it away, check out Prognosis Negative’s comment history. It’s all ranting about Arabs and pronouns.

Shot them while they were waving white flags. If that isn’t evidence of war crimes being committed on the regular, I don’t know what is.

Hey, now: it could also mean that the trigger-happy IDF has shot/bombed the hostages already!

Lol genocide supporter

That’s amazing. It’s not even like Larry David remotely tries to hide it. He has openly mocked conservatives in recent seasons and included storylines about liberal charity events for no reason other than that’s what he spent time doing IRL in the earlier seasons. That’s why basing your entire identity around being