Chaim Salomon

There’s an article over in Slate about how conservatives are just now discovering that Larry David (both IRL and “Larry David” as portrayed on Curb) is liberal and they’re getting all pissy about it and my god these people are fucking stupid. The cultural illiteracy of these people knows no bounds. It is no wonder we

How is this cowardice? It’s simply not the story he wants to tell. The movie is about the importance of truthseekers in a society that has violently torn itself apart. It’s a bigger, older, more universal story than what’s happening in the United States today IRL. But if he’d set it in 1970s Beirut or 1990s Bosnia or

This feels so obvious to me and I’m really shocked at how many people want a direct and applicable civil war simulation and are angry that’s not what this movie is.

Perhaps a footnote but also indicative who just who he is day-to-day, moment-to-moment. It’s like finding out he’s one of those guys who puts five one-dollar bills on the table when he eats out and tells the server that’s the tip and he’s going to subtract one dollar every time something he doesn’t like happens. 

This is what they wanted you to think at first, but of course it’s a repeat of the “Mechanical Turk”.

Musk is a great example of the “leader vs manager” dynamic. Putting politics aside — something he has frankly made impossible at this point — Musk was very good at the “leader” side of the equation: being an innovator and salesman and motivator. Being a visionary. But the mindset and skillset that make one a great

The Venn diagram for those who crave the biggest, most massive bro-dozer truck and those who care about the environment are 2 separate circles.  Do all these auto marketing groups not know this??

Amen brother. I keep telling everyone that the first manufacturer that brings to market a Civic sized car (or CRV sized CUV) that gets 300 miles to a charge and costs $30K or less will have buyers lining up at its doors. People do not need 0-60 times in less than 6 seconds (many of my friends who have electric cars

First gear: It’s time for Musk to leave Tesla.

While I don’t think security/influence concerns about TikTok are completely unfounded, it’s wild to me that

That’s antisemitic??

I absolutely hated Bush; I didn’t think it was possible to hate a politician more than I hated him. And during the nadir of the Trump years, found myself actually missing him.

Dude, do you see what they’re doing to Jonathan Glazer, an actual Jew? An avalanche of genocide-apologists are stampeding forward to bury the man, including his own financiers, and he won an Oscar for probably the best Holocaust movie of the last 30+ years. Spyglass is not going to apologize, if anything they will

Rafael is from Canada

This looks lazy. Like if someone took that Blackberry or Tetris movie and just riffed until they landed on this.

Borat (the character) is a pretty offensive amalgamation of several cultures. SBC definitely knows the difference between, say, a Balkan and a Central Eurasian and a Middle Easterner... but he knew his primarily American audience wouldn’t, or at least wouldn’t care, and just kind of brewed stereotypes together into

This feels... beneath her? Like, she already checked the franchise box off w/ the MCU... I can only assume she’s being offered an absolutely mind-blowing sum of money for this.

Given SBC’s work on behalf of the genocide, it’s not surprising in the least that he’s a fucking monster.

Oh go fuck yourself you sanctimonious fuckhead.

Oh man, then I’d hate to find out what karma is going to do to you now. When some day you get diagnosed with a terminal illness (which will happen), I want you to remember this comment and think to yourself “karma.”