Chaim Salomon

I realize you’re a troll because you had the same toxic “cancer is karma” take regarding Olivia Munn’s recent health disclosure. Congratulations, it was so fucking stupid and cruel that I remembered you.

While I find the hounding after people — especially people dealing with serious health issues — to be abhorrent, the royals occupy a truly bizarre space that makes this fixation explainable and not unexpected. They’re essentially the first and most important reality tv stars. Their very existence is state sponsored

I’d read somewhere that the rumors were that she’d had a hysterectomy, and now the cancer diagnosis. It hits close to home for me. My wife had one earlier this year. No cancer was found, thankfully, but we’re not done — she’s due for a mastectomy later this year as well. All preventative.

“Even if the allegations in the affidavit are true, they don’t begin to justify what happened. At worst, Bryan Malinowski, a gun owner and gun enthusiast, stood accused of making private firearm sales to a person who may not have been legally entitled to purchase the guns.”

Same. I was frankly surprised they even kept him around for that.

He was in a pre-teen just last week. 

Can’t say I blame them 

You know why though right?

Looks like they killed off Jeffrey Jones. Certainly can’t blame them. 

He ended up being a goddamn diddler

Yeah, that was the point I was getting at (in a roundabout way).

I couldn’t resist looking her up to confirm whether or not she is indeed a sociopathic billionaire. Discovered she’s... a bereavement counselor. I am not making this up.

So the Fourth Amendment has to change with the times and technology but the Second Amendment doesn’t.  Got it.

Gee, younger people are unhappy after Boomers took a golden opportunity in post-war America, gorged themselves on it, broke open every piggy bank ever and want younger generations to fill in the pay gaps, all while telling them that they (Boomers) need to keep their C-suite jobs while outsourcing/not increasing

This article talks a lot about loneliness before touching on income inequality, finally in paragraph 12. Why aren’t millennials and Gen Z as happy as older people? Because they can’t afford things, their pay is lower, their expenses are higher, and they feel like they’re living through a slow-walked apocalypse while

Get ready for all the jealous takes from all the weird bootlickers climaxing over the idea of strangers who were comfortably working from home now being miserable and forced into the office.

You could copy-paste every conversation about Zack Snyder since 2005 and it would work. 

I’m not going to defend anything Lemon has said or done outside of this interview, but the interview itself was pretty good. Lemon directly pressed Musk on several topics and Musk comes off looking completely unprepared to defend the indefensible shit he’s said and stances he’s taken, overly sensitive, and

“I’m 12 and I’m worldbuilding an epic sci-fi IP” energy

“how brave of this person to sit on the story”